Chapter 39

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"Where are we going and why are they coming with us?" Shreya asked, looking at the cars which were behind them. In which the three Sherawat brothers were present.

"Shut up and sit quietly" He roared in anger and his phone rang. He picked it up.

"Adrakansh, you guys reach the location. I will be there in half an hour" Abhay said and cut the call. Shreya was looking outside of the window.

"Abhay, drop me at Rajawat's palace, then go wherever you want. I am missing everyone" She said without looking at him.

"Okay, then let's drop the plan to meet your father. By the way, it was your last opportunity to meet him because after that, who knows if he will survive or not?" Hearing this her blood boiled and she looked at him with wet eyes.

"If anything happened to him then I swear I will also leave you" She said in a crying voice and again turned her head towards the window.

After that nobody spoke anything and they went straight to Aditya's home. As soon as he stopped the car in front of the house she got down and ran inside he also parked his car and went behind her.

Aditya was in the drawing room. He was sitting silently there in some deep thinking. Shreya saw him and took slow steps towards him. He was looking very weak. She slowly came in front of him and sat on her knees.

"Papa…" She put her hand on his and called him.

As soon as he heard her voice he looked at her and his eyes widened to see her he put his one hand on her cheek just to check whether she is real or not.

Aditya caressed her cheek and kissed on her forehead then he realized that she was really in front of him. He hugged her tightly and a few tears fell from his eyes.

"Mera bacha, (My child) how are you, Princess??" He broke the hug and asked.

"I am good but what happened to you? Dad was telling me that you're not okay and you're seriously looking so dull" She sat beside him and looked at him with concern.

"Aree it's just my bp shoot up yesterday and as you know I have Noone here so I call on the last dial number and call Thakur saheb here and see today he send a servant here for me" He pointed his finger on someone and Shreya looked at that side she saw a man in kitchen.

"It's good that dad sent someone for yourself but dad you should have taken care of yourself" She said and kept her head on his chest.

"Laado I am fine and I have seen you, now I will get well soon" He caressed her head and said before they could say anything a very cold voice fell in their ears.

"Times up…I mean daughter and father's time is over. How are you papa" Abhay said, who was looking at them leaning on the door frame with his hands in his pocket.

He touched Aditya's feet but he didn't react or say anything. He didn't say anything and stood back at his place and held Shreya's hand in his.

"So, I think we should leave. I have a very important meeting to attend" He made her stand but before he could take her away Aditya held her other hand.

"Rana saa, you can't take her from here. She is my daughter" Aditya roared and stood up from the couch. She flinched to see her dad's anger because she never saw him like that.

"Hmm but you're forgetting that she is my wife—"

"She will divorce you then she won't be your wife" Aditya cut him off and said loudly in anger.

Abhay chuckled and looked at Shreya who was looking at him with scared expressions because his eyes turned red and his face was showing his anger. But because he was his father-in-law that's why he didn't say anything and pulled her hand harshly from one side and her other hand came out of Aditya's grip.

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