Chapter 8

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The next morning came and as the last two-three days, today too Nobita got that wierd dreams.

He got up slowly getting used to it.

He made his way to the bathroom for his daily morning routine.

After being ready for school he went downstairs, only to see all the family members were already there.

"Am I late?"

He asked taking his seat.

"No you're not, we just came down too, a little while ago"

Daiken replied to his question while having a bite of his breakfast.

(Their breakfast 👆, I searched it from the Google, it's called tamagoyaki)

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(Their breakfast 👆, I searched it from the Google, it's called tamagoyaki)


Time skip~

They all arrived at the school and met at their usual place.

"How are you feeling today Nobita?" Andriette asked.

"I'm totally fine. Why did you ask?"

"Yesterday you didn't attend after lunch classes and Daiken told us it was because you didn't feel well and went home" Kaito said worriedly.

"Oh-umm yes, yesterday I didn't feel good after having my lunch so I went home but now I'm all fine" Nobita replied smiling.

'oh i almost forgot'

"Umm Nobita here, Mom send this for you. She hopes you are well now"

Dekisugi said while handing over the paper bag.

"Eh? What's in it?"

Nobita asked, taking the bag.

"It's a g-gift"

"Oh what was the need for this? By the way please thank her for thinking of me so much"

Nobita said smiling brightly.

Everyone except three, gaurded thier eyes with their hands.

'so bright'

Daiken just stood smiling, clearly used to this. While Jian and Jaiko made 😑 this face on others overacting.

(I think even if it is in the cartoon, Nobita's smile is precious)

"Huh what happened to you guys?"

Nobita asked, Oblivious.

"Nothing much just these idiots have gone crazy don't mind them, let's go to our classes, there not much time left till the bell rings"

Said Jian looking at his watch.

"Oh yeah"

Everyone went to their respective classes and after few minutes the bell rang.

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