Let's Do This One Last Time

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It's a beautiful day in Brooklyn. The clear sky and the regularly scheduled villain attack

Someone in a spider suit is thrown across the street and into a building. They jump out of the rubble a few moments later and dodge metal debris being chucked at them. The masked individual webs up one of the pieces of metal being tossed around and launches it back to its sender. It hits its target straight on

The masked vigilante jumps and sticks to a wall with his feet. He uses exaggerative arm movements as he pleas with the mechanical-limbed man

Y/N: "Doc, I'm going to need you to set the cash down and put your tentacles in the air! "Brilliant Scientist Robs a Bank Appreciation Day" was last week!"

He dodges an oncoming manhole lid thrown to his face; followed by a few cars, which Y/N maneuvers around and webs up, minimizing the damage done to the city, as well as the casualties

Y/N: "Plus, we both know you don't have the brilliant part down"

He dodges several strikes from Doctor Octopus's robotic limbs

Doc Ock: "Why don't you just stay still and die like the annoying insect you are!"

Y/N flips over many more of the doctor's attempts at striking. He face-palms himself mid-air with his left hand while his right webs up Octavius's face

Y/N: "Ugh. Insect, really? Spiders are arachnids. C'mon, Doc! You're really proving me right on the brilliant thing"

Otto forcefully removes the webbing from his face and trembles in anger

Doc Ock: "Will you shut up and just die already!"

He uses all four mechanical limbs to launch himself toward Y/N

Y/N: "Wow, so original"

Y/N closes his eyes and looks down while shaking his head in disappointment. He lets out a deep breath and dashes toward Octavius

As the mad scientist is about to swing his metal limbs at Y/N, the web-head jumps and flips over the doctor; but, not before landing a knee to the face

As Y/N's body spins and positions itself to face Octavius's falling body, he uses his web shooters to restrain the hands and arms of the mechanical limbs on the walls of nearby buildings. Octavius tries to free himself but looks up to see Y/N using a web attached to two buildings, pulling himself back like a rock on a slingshot

Y/N: "Here's Spidey!"

Y/N launches himself at Octavius like a speeding bullet with his feet in the front. He reaches the doctor in less than a second and lands a double drop kick to the gut. The mad scientist spits out blood and swings back and forth on the webs due to the force of the kick

Y/N lands on the ground to see the mad scientist out cold and dangling on the webs attached to his mechanical arms and buildings. He comedically rubs his forehead with his arm as if he's wiping off sweat

Y/N: "Phew! Another one for the Spectacular Spider-Phantom!"

Okay people, let's go over this one last time. My name is Y/N L/N, I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the last three and a half years, I've been the one and only, Spider-Phantom. I'm pretty sure you've heard the rest

I saved the city, took on Iron Man in a Civil War-type thing with Captain America, became an Avenger, fought a purple alien with a questionable obsession for jolly ranchers, I got a little dusty, and I, uhh... I did this

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