Hiding Away

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After saying goodbye to their Uncle Peter and cousins, Peni and Y/N venture down the streets of New York with their mother. The group stays silent until Gwen speaks up

"Peni..." The blonde mother tiredly expresses while still looking forward, causing the girl to gain a nervous demeanor

"Ye- Yeah?" Peni asks, and in turn, earns a response from her mother as they make it to their apartment building

"What did I tell you about your inventions?" Gwen asks in a rhetorical fashion, yet still gets a desired response from the girl who sighs as she answers

"To not do them without you watching me..." She says in a lowly manner, earning a nod from Gwen while Y/N glances at his sister's shameful stance, feeling a tad bit of pity

"That's right. So, tell me, why did you think it was a great idea to turn your Uncle's appliances into security drones?" Gwen asks in a more serious tone as they make it in front of their apartment

"Because..." Peni pinches the ends of her jacket as she looks down while Gwen inserts the key to the apartment door and opens it. They all enter and take off their respective jackets and coats

Gwen looks back at the little girl and puts her coat on the hanger. "Young lady, when I ask you a question, answer me-"

"Because I'm tired of pretending like I'm normal!" She screams a scream that fills the air with silence following it. It lasts for a moment until she continues. "You're making us hide who we are because people can't handle what we can do! Well, I say screw what they think-"

"That's enough!" Gwen shouts, silencing Peni while taking a step forward with an authoritative demeanor. "You will keep your voice down and cut that attitude right now!" She sternly says, but all it does is prompt Peni to snap back

"And you're doing it again! Hiding us from the world because they're not ready for us! Well, newsflash, Mom, we're your kids!" She yells while gesturing to herself and Y/N who is shifting his eyes from her and his mother, feeling uneasy by the tension. Peni then takes a few steps toward Gwen with her hands spread a bit apart with an irritated expression. "We can be doing so much more than just being dumb little kids! I'm already smarter than almost everyone in the world!"

"Being smart and being wise are two entirely different things, and until you can even understand the difference, you won't be near ready to start going into the world like you want to." Gwen states, making Peni furrow her eyebrows more in frustration as her teeth grind against each other

"Then let us learn!" Peni shouts while aggressively throwing her arms down. "Let me go to Avenger's Tower and learn from Iron Man! You and Dad work with him all the time. Why can't I-"

"Your Dad and I only worked with him because we had to." Gwen expresses with her index finger extended and gesturing toward Peni. "I don't want you around the kind of man he is. The papers and press may say one thing, but you don't know who Tony is. And as my child, you won't be going anywhere near Avenger's Tower as long as I have anything to say about it, is that final?" Gwen harshly says, causing Peni to shake in anger and frustration

"I hate you! I wish Dad was here and not you!" Peni yells before storming off, leaving Gwen to stand in shock at the words she uttered, frozen in place as the last sentence plays on repeat in her head

Y/N looks in the direction Peni left in shock before turning his sights to Gwen who slightly has her mouth open while her eyes have less color than usual. "Mom..." Y/N depressingly thinks as he then notices some tears build up in her eyes

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