Off The Table

752 32 21

On Earth-1048N, a variant of Peter is flung across the street. He crashes through the glass of a building and lands on some piled rubble

Insomniac Spider-MaN: "Damn it..."

Peter coughs up blood as he groans in excruciating pain. He gets to his knees and slowly puts his feet under himself. The blood from his open cheek spills on the floor as he staggers

Insomniac Spider-MaN: "Shit!"

Peter winces as he feels a sharp pain in his ankle. He then steels himself before soon standing with a weak guard as he awaits the oncoming danger

???: "Come now..."

Peter's eyebrows furrow and his anger rises more and more as the foe slowly walks into the building through the broken glass

???: "Of all things..."

The man then tosses a head over to Peter. It hits the ground and rolls to the hero's feet

Peter's eyes widen as he recognizes it to be a dear friend

Insomniac KraveN: "Sending the little one? Do you think... so low of me? As to send... your shadow?"

Peter soon looks back up at KraveN with hate engulfed in his eyes. He clenches his fists and makes them pop from the pressure exerted

Insomniac Spider-MaN: "You fucking piece of shit..."

Insomniac KraveN: "Hm?"

KraveN raises an eyebrow as Peter's breathing becomes rigid

Insomniac Spider-MaN: "First Harry... And now Miles..."

Peter's muscles flex to the extreme, making his ripped suit tear even more as he leaps toward KraveN

Insomniac Spider-MaN: "You're gonna DIE for what you've done!!!"

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On Earth-928B, Y/N is viewing the hologram projection of Miguel's console

Y/N: "Wh- What is this?"

Y/N feels a chill go up his spine as he looks at footage of him with the heroes of Earth-40196, as well as a playback of his recent conversation with Felicia

Y/N's eyes shake and he takes a few steps back until he bumps into something

Miguel: "So, how's Felicia?"

Y/N quickly turns around to find Miguel staring down at him with a menacing glare

Y/N: "What?"

Miguel tilts his head and raises an eyebrow while keeping his accusing demeanor

Miguel: "Oh? You didn't hear me? I said, "How's Felicia?" "

Y/N begins sweating as Miguel's irises start to slowly alter from their normal color to a piercing red

Y/N: "Wh- What are you talking about-"

Miguel: "I guess my question wasn't clear enough"

Miguel takes a step forward and in response, Y/N begins backing away in fear

Miguel: "How..."

Y/N continues to walk backward and even trips a bit

Miguel: "Is..."

Miguel walks forward while his eyebrows furrow

Miguel: "Felicia?"

Y/N's back hits Miguel's console as the hulking Spider-Man is now in front of him once more

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