Big Boss

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On Earth-66, screeches of beasts are all that can be heard as a battle rages on

Peter: "I think we're gonna have to call backup!"

Peter B. dodges a tail swipe from an Ankylosaurus coated in black. He shoots web lines at the ground and launches himself toward it. He shoots another line and attaches it to the belly of the creature. He goes in and slides under the beast

Peter: "Sorry about this!"

Peter lands a crushing uppercut that makes the creature jolt its body backward and fall on his thick hide. He then places a speaker down and activates it, making a powerful noise emit from it

The creature screeches in pain until the black coating removes itself and falls to the ground. It attempts to escape when Peter captures it in a glass container

Peter: "Yeah. Not happening"

Peter opens a portal back to Earth-928B and tosses the container in, making it disappear along with the wormhole a few seconds later. He turns his attention back to the action and swings his way to help Ben who is fighting a Megalosaurus

Peter: "Megalosaurus, meet my mega-kick!"

Peter lands a single-leg dropkick, sending the dinosaur back a few meters. He drops next to Ben and puts up a guard

Ben: " "Mega kick?" "

Peter: "I know. Not my best work"

The Megalosaurus lets out a screech and gets to its feet. It shakes its head and turns to face the spider heroes. It lets out a battle roar, grows a giant blade from its tail, and swings it

Peter and Ben's eyes widen

Peter: "Move!"

Peter and Ben barely dodge the attack by the skin of their teeth. They jump back and gain some distance

The Megalosaurus reels its blade back and stares down the heroes

Peter: "It can't get much worse than this"

As his sentence was finished, several screeches could be heard from a distance. He and Ben look up to see a flock of black Pterodactyls come flying right toward their location

Peter lowers his head as Ben gets an annoyed look

Ben: "You had to say it"

Peter gets into a fighting stance once again and braces himself alongside Ben

Peter: "Hopefully Miguel's doing fine"

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Several trees are destroyed as Miguel is thrown across the forest. He comes to a stop and gets to his knees. He grabs the side of his head and then rises to his feet

Miguel: "Lyla!"

Lyla: "Yo"

Miguel: "I need you to send as many high-level members as you can! Send most of them to Peter and Ben"

Lyla: "On it"

Lyla disappears when loud stomps can be heard as something approaches Miguel

Miguel looks at the source of the noise and sees a Tyrannosaurus rex coming right at him. He jumps out of the way from a chino attack and shoots a line to then land a double dropkick to its back. The jumps off and lands on a nearby tree

Miguel: "Pter! I need you to work with me!"

Symbiote: "That fool can't hear you"

The creature turns around and looks up at Miguel with a wide smile, showing off huge razor-sharp teeth

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