Follow My Lead

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Two days after the raid on Stark Tower, Y/N is sitting with Felicia at a table in the food shack

Y/N: "Man, these burgers get better every time!"

Black Cat: "I knew you'd like 'em. Plus, the owner likes you a lot for some reason"

Y/N: "I mean, who wouldn't? Have you seen me?"

Y/N says with a boastful tone which Felicia rolls her eyes at

Black Cat: "Yeah, yeah"

Felicia taps on the table with her nails as she brings up another conversation

Black Cat: "Y'know, we're gonna be throwing a party in a few days"

Y/N: "Oh, yeah?"

Black Cat: "Yeah. Everyone was so excited after the success of the raid, that the people decided to do one"

Y/N: "Do I get an invite?"

Felicia smirks as she looks at Y/N devouring his burger

Black Cat: "Why do you think I'm telling you?"

Y/N: "Oh, yeah. Makes sense"

Y/N takes the last bite of his burger and swallows the food. He takes a drink of his soda

Black Cat: "I was actually thinking if you could come as my date"

Y/N eyes grow wide and spits out his drink to the side. He violently coughs and pounds his chest before calming down

Y/N: "Wait, you want me to be your date?"

Black Cat: "What's wrong? Don't tell me big 'ol Spider-Phantom is afraid to take out a lady"

Y/N: "Of course, not. Just... it caught me off guard is all"

Felicia smiles and gets up from her seat

Black Cat: "Well, I kind of want to show everyone..."

Felicia leans over and gives Y/N a quick kiss

Black Cat: "That you're mine~"

Y/N gains a massive blush and slowly nods

Y/N: "O- Okay"

Black Cat: "Great. Well, see you then"

Felicia gives Y/N another kiss before walking away

Y/N: "Where you going?"

Black Cat: "Have a training session with Nat. Catch you later"

Felicia leaves Y/N to think about what just happened

Y/N: "Man..."

Y/N lets out a deep breath when his plate is picked up

Stan Lee: "It's gonna be a blast, kid! Trust me, these people know how to throw a party. I'm gonna be on the dance floor all night!"

Stan Lee walks away with the dirty plate and leaves Y/N to panic

Y/N: "Dance!? There's gonna be dancing!? Oh boy... Felicia's definitely gonna wanna dance with me"

Y/N drags his hands across his face and groans in despair

Y/N: "What am I gonna do?"

He says as he rests his chin on the table. The gears move in his head and then gets an idea. He jolts his head up and grows a smile

Y/N: "Unless..."

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