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It's a beautiful day in Brooklyn, New York, the clear skies, the filled streets, and the calming wind

Woman: "I don't know why but I cry more every time I come here..."

The woman holds a weak smile while staring at the tombstone in front of her

Woman: "I'm sorry... I promised you that I would cut this out, but I just can't help it"

The woman wipes some tears away with her fingers and wipes her nose clean. She intently stares at the words engraved and sighs

Woman: "And I'm sorry that I'm not going to keep the other promise I made to you..."

She grips her pants and fights the urge to let more tears stream out of her eyes. She takes in a deep breath and lets out a huff of air to calm herself

Woman: "I just... I can't be with someone else"

"I love you for you and only you"

The woman gains her weak smile back and tilts her head

Woman: "And I won't love anyone except you either..."

And though she tried with all her might, the woman lets out tears and starts sobbing once more. She falls to her knees and tries helplessly to wipe away the tears with her hands but miserably fails

Woman: "I'm sorry, I'm just-"

Boy: "Mom"

The woman quickly turns her head and finds her son with his hand on her shoulder. She looks up at the young boy as he returns her saddened gaze with a reassuring one

The young lad stares into his mother's eyes for a bit longer, letting the warmth and love of his own comfort her

Woman: "He has your eyes..."

The woman grows a smile and ceases the waterworks. She cleans her face and begins to slowly rise to her feet

Boy: "Easy. I got you"

He holds his mother's hand as she gets up, making her smile grow a bit more

Woman: "Oh, come on. I'm not an old woman. Stop treating me like one"

The boy smiles and nods his head a few times while looking to the side

Boy: "I know, Mom, I just wanna help. You do so much for me and Peni, and the whole city... I just...

He glances at his mother but then shifts his eyes in another direction again

Boy: "I want you to know you can count on me. Like you did with Dad..."

The woman's eyes widen as she looks at her son who embarrassingly keeps averting her eyes. She chuckles after a moment and frizzles the boy's hair with a huge grin

Gwen: "Well, thanks. Spider-Woman can definitely count on her little hero"

The child playfully swats Gwen's hand away with a smirk

Boy: "Hey, I'm not that little! I'm nine-and-a-half!"

Gwen: "Oh, I'm sorry, sir. My deepest apologies"

Gwen bows but then bursts out in laughter as Y/N puffs his cheeks while crossing his arms

Y/N: "I'm not little"

He mumbles as Gwen soon stops her laughing fit. She lets out a sigh of relief and puts a hand on the boy's back

Gwen: "Come on, Y/N. Let's go pick up your sister from your uncle's place"

Spider-Phantom: Spider-Verse X Spider-Man ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now