My Name Is...

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Gwen: "Stop it!"

She pleas with tears trailing down her face as the villains ruthlessly toss Y/N around like a rag doll

Y/N is hit in the face by a punch from Mysterio, making him stagger back. He is then met with a double drop kick to the chest by Kraven and is sent flying. He is then struck in the back by Rhino with an upward strike from his head in mid-air, making Y/N shoot up into the sky. The attack is followed by Electro using his powers to hit Y/N with a powerful electric shock

Y/N floats in the air for a moment as areas of his suit are torn off. Parts of his skin sizzle as they too have been burnt off due to the heat of the electric shock. However, he has no time to recover as Vulture speeds in from above and lands a double-foot stomp on Y/N's mid-section. The winged villain drives his feet deep into the webhead's abdomen as he drags him down to the ground

Vulture lands on the ground with Y/N under his feet, causing the street below them to break and leave a massive crater. Vulture flies off Y/N and gets behind the other villains

Green Goblin gets closer with his glider and hops off of it. He signals Octavius to grab hold of Y/N with a snap of his fingers. The doctor reluctantly obeys the command and holds up Y/N by the head

Goblin walks up to Y/N and stands right in front of him with a crooked smile

Green Goblin: "You're pathetically predictable, like a moth to the flame. All it took was taking this girl hostage for you to let your guard down"

Goblin then lands a heavy gut punch that causes Y/N to cough up a large amount of blood. The Green villain leans in and whispers into the boy's ear

Green Goblin: "Don't worry, I won't tell them your secret just yet, Y/N"

Y/N's eyes grow wide and he just stares at Goblin in horror

Green Goblin backs away and walks toward Scorpion

Green Goblin: "No, no! I want you to suffer just a bit more!"

He then yanks Gwen from Scoprion's grasp and holds her by cupping her chin

Green Goblin: "What do you say, sweetie?"

Y/N: "Get your hands off of her!"

Y/N grabs Octavius's tentacle and begins to slowly lighten its grip with his strength. The doctor sees this and uses his other robotic limbs to restrain Y/N's arms

Doc Ock: "Oh, no you don't!"

Y/N struggles to break free as he helplessly watches the situation unfold before him

Green Goblin: "Tell me, what'll it be, hero? Are you going to save this woman? Or shall I carve out her skull and kick up a new line of pumpkin bombs?"

Goblin begins to let out an eerie laugh as he presses the tip of his Goblin Trident to Gwen's face

Y/N's rage comes to its limit as he manages to break free of Octavius's hold. He drops to the ground and rushes toward Goblin at full speed

Green Goblin sees this and smiles even bigger than before

Green Goblin: "That's the spirit! Now, get him!"

He points his trident toward Y/N, signaling the other villains to attack. They all comply and rush the young hero

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