Cat In The Bag

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Y/N swings past Petra and shifts his body upside down. He shoots a web line and wraps his legs around it. He dangles on the line while crossing his arms

Y/N: "Think you can do this one?"

Petra scoffs at the challenge

Petra: "In my sleep!"

Petra swings off her web and twirls in the air as she copies Y/N's move. She ends up beside him and puts her hands behind her head

Petra: "Easy. C'mon, aren't you supposed to be part of the "elite" spider team of the multiverse?"

Petra says with a mocking tone

Y/N: "I was planning to go easy on you, but I guess I'm gonna have to show why I'm the boss's star pupil"

Y/N flips off his web line and shoots out two more. He attaches them to nearby buildings and slingshots himself forward. He flips and twirls in the air as he reaches more buildings

Y/N lands his feet on the side of a building and begins to leap off it and onto others at great speeds

Petra smirks

Petra: "Don't think you'll leave me behind!"

Petra launches herself forward and begins to catch up with Y/N

Y/N looks back to see Petra hot on his tail

Y/N: "Not bad, but not good enough"

Y/N slides and goes through small openings between billboards and other structures. He continues to dodge advertisements and get through small spaces by shooting himself through them like a rocket

Petra imitates Y/N and continues to keep up

Petra: "If this is you being serious, then everyone in that strike force must be pushovers"

Y/N chuckles and leaps into the air as he reaches the end of an alleyway. He floats for a second before shooting a web line at a building. He then pulls himself down and keeps traveling through the buildings

Petra follows suit

Petra: "Guess getting into that club won't be hard after all"

Y/N smirks and shifts his body around to face Petra. He gives her a wink, making one of his lenses close for a second. He then turns invisible, making visible the large pipe in the way

Petra: "Woah!"

Petra attempts to dodge the oncoming obstacle, but she hits her leg against it and loses her balance, causing her to be hurled forward

Petra is about to shoot a web line on a nearby building when she is pulled away

Y/N reels her in and webs her up by the ankles. He sticks her feet to a billboard and sits on the edge of a roof. He smirks as he watches her hang upside down

Y/N: "You hanging in there?"

Petra rolls her eyes at the pun and crosses her arms

Petra: "Okay, okay. You win this one but don't get too happy. Won't happen again"

Y/N gains a grin and gets to his feet

Y/N: "That's what they all say. Now, come on. We got a cat to catch"

Y/N shoots a web line and swings off

Petra breaks out of the webs and follows right behind Y/N

Petra: "So, you've seen the crook up close. Any weaknesses you found?"

Y/N: "Uhh, well..."

Y/N begins to recall his encounter with Felicia. He remembers the scene, and how she acted toward him. He accidentally focuses on some of her "attributes" while remembering the ordeal

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