Crash Course

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Miles, Y/N, and Peter can be seen at a burger shack. They are sitting at a booth as they begin to dig into their meals

Peter: "Mmm. I love this burger. So delicious"

Peter continues to devour his burger as Y/N does the same while having two more on his plate next to Miles's

Y/N: "You can say that again. My universe doesn't have this place. Should definitely make Tony start a chain of these when I get back"

Y/N says as he takes the last bite of the burger, eating the little piece between his fingers. He moves on to the next burger as a worker drops a check on the table before walking away

Peter and Y/N look at the check and at each other before turning their heads to Miles

Peter: "You have money right? I'm not very liquid right now"

Y/N: "Y-Yeah, kind of left my wallet in my other spider pants"

Y/N nervously chuckles and then goes back to eating his meal

Miles lets out a deep breath and taps his fingers on the table

Miles: "Can we focus?"

Peter: "Uh-huh, sure"

Peter says while stuffing his face with fries

Miles: "The other Peter-"

Peter: "You gonna eat that?"

He takes the burger off Miles's plate and bites into it, causing the condiments to splatter onto his chin

Peter: "I'm listening"

Y/N: "Same"

Y/N struggles to say as he devours his second burger

Miles: "The other Peter said he was going to be showing me the ropes"

Peter/Y/N: "Wow/Nice"

Miles: "You two got any Spider-Man tips-"

Y/N: "Ahem"

Y/N looks at Miles with an eyebrow raised as he takes a bite out of a fry

Miles rolls his eyes and sighs

Miles: "And Spider-Phantom tips"

Y/N gains a beaming smile and goes back to consuming his fries

Peter: "Oh, yeah. I got plenty. Disinfect the mask"

Y/N: "Don't forget the baby powder"

Y/N says as he points a soggy fry at Miles

Peter: "Yep. Gonna wanna use a ton in the suit. Especially on the joints. Definitely don't want any chafing, right?"

Miles gives them a tired expression and raises an eyebrow for a second as he asks his next question

Miles: "Anything else?"

Y/N: "Don't ever say, "That was too easy" on a mission"

Peter: "Big no, no right there"

Miles gives a deadpanned expression as Y/N and Peter continue eating their fries

Miles: "I think you two are gonna be bad teachers"

Peter: "Uh-huh, look up where Alchemax is"

Miles does so and finds the facility on his phone. Y/N uses the opportunity of Miles being distracted to knab some of his fries

Miles: "A private technological campus in Hudson Valley, New York..."

Miles gasps in excitement and leans forward on the table

Spider-Phantom: Spider-Verse X Spider-Man ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now