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Y/N and the rest of the heroes journey through the sewers as they approach Stark Tower

Falcon: "Okay, we're here. Everyone get ready. We go out on my signal"

The group prepares for the battle

Black Cat: "Remember the plan?"

Felicia says as she turns her head to Y/N

Y/N: "Mhm. Smash through some bots and blow up the rooms"

Y/N says as he punches his palm with a smirk

Felicia smiles as she finishes preparing

Winter Soldier: "Remember, no one except the sentries is guarding the tower, so we have to do this quick or the big boys will show up"

Y/N nods his head

Felicia grabs Y/N

Black Cat: "One more thing"

Felicia lifts Y/N's mask and gives him a quick kiss

Y/N grows a smile as she pulls away

Black Cat: "I'll give you a longer one when we come back~"

Felicia says while winking

Y/N blushes a bit but is taken out of the moment when he is shoulder-bumped by Natasha

Black Widow: "Focus you two"

Natasha says as she moves to the front, leaving Felicia giggling at Y/N's embarrassed reaction

Falcon: "Okay. Get ready. In three... two... one!"

Sam extends his wings and flies up at high speeds as everyone else follows. He breaks out of the manhole and begins shooting many sentries with his submachine guns

Falcon: "Go, go, go!"

Wolverine: "Ragh!"

Logan yells as he slashes through a few sentries with his adamantium claws

Winter Soldier: "Hurry and get inside!"

Bucky proceeds to gun down a few sentries as he punches through one's head with his metal arm

Y/N and the others start to head inside when a number of sentries begin to block their path

Hawkeye: "Think again"

Clint shoots an arrow at the center of the line of bots and it lets out an electric discharge that renders them useless

Y/N and the others make it past the offline sentries and go inside the tower

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More sentries show up as they run through the halls

Iceman: "Heads up!"

Bobby activates his powers and transforms his body into that of ice. He then shoots out freeze blasts at the sentries while Scott shoots others down with his laser beam

Black Widow: "Let's keep moving!"

The group makes it to the end of the hallway when two larger robots appear

Y/N: "Woah!"

Y/N shouts as he dodges an electric beam from one of the machines

Cyclops: "Sentinel Sentries!"

The group scatters and hides behind corners as the Sentinels march toward them while shooting mini-missiles

Y/N is about to head out and face the bots when Natasha stops him by grabbing his arm

Spider-Phantom: Spider-Verse X Spider-Man ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now