New Faces

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Three weeks after the baby shower, Y/N, Gwen, Hobie, and Peni are finishing up band practice on Earth-138B

Hobie: "Feels like that should be alright for today"

Hobie says with a smirk while his guitar hands at his side

Gwen: "Yeah... Was a good sesh"

Gwen says while panting and wiping away some sweat with her arm

Y/N begins to place the bass back in its case and smiles at it

Peni begins to properly put away the microphone and looks at Y/N

Peni: "You've gotten real good. Crazy that you started only a month ago"

Gwen: "Yeah. For someone who's never picked up anything before, you honestly learned super quick"

Gwen says while resting her arms on her knees and holding her drumsticks between her fingers

Y/N's smile widens at the praise and he shakes his head in embarrassment

Y/N: "Calm down, guys. I'm not that good. I just had great teachers"

Y/N says as he looks at everyone in the room which makes them all grow a subtle smile

Hobie: "Well, you had some great motivation to learn"

Hobie says as he quickly gestures to Gwen with his eyes, making Y/N blush a tad bit and turn away to finish putting away the bass

Y/N: "Yeah, I guess..."

Gwen's smile grows a bit more at Y/N's flustered demeanor. She feels a tiny bit warm in her chest as she then begins to place the drums in their proper place

Peni's smile falters just a bit as the moment passes. She however gains her composure and finishes putting her share of the equipment away

Peni: "Well, you are a fast learner, so we shouldn't expect less"

Y/N chuckles and places the bass back where it belongs

Y/N: "Guess you're right"

Y/N turns back to the others and looks at them

Y/N: "Same time tomorrow?"

Gwen: "Yeah, I'm down"

Hobie: "Same"

Peni: "Me too"

Y/N: "Okay, see you guys then"

Y/N taps the control of his watch and makes a portal back to his apartment on Earth-928B

Gwen: "Oh, Y/N, I'll text you about our hangout tomorrow"

Y/N: "Sounds good!"

Y/N says as he goes through the portal, disappearing with it a moment later

Peni looks at Gwen with an eyebrow raised

Peni: "Hangout?"

Gwen's eyes widen a bit as she is caught off guard by the question

Gwen: "Oh, ye- yeah. We've been hanging out a lot more since Mary Jane's baby shower"

Gwen blushes a tad bit and nervously chuckles while rubbing her neck

Hobie: "Look at you, Gwendy. Heh"

Peni looks at Gwen with an unchanging expression but then puts on a smile

Peni: "That's great, Gwen. Happy to hear"

Gwen: "Thanks, Peni"

Gwen says with a smile as Hobie looks at Peni with a concerned face

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