Scaly Situation

464 19 11

After her argument with her unruly daughter, Gwen sits at the table with a half-empty glass of wine. She takes a drink and tilts it back and forth between her fingers, tiredly looking at the liquid

"I don't know how you did it..." Gwen focuses on the splashes made by the wine as it swishes around. She rests her face in her other palm and closes her eyes halfway. "You always made it look so easy..."

"Okay everyone, scoot together!" Y/N exclaims to the group consisting of Gwen holding his crying and infant daughter, his son, Peter, Mary Jane, Mayday, Ben, Aunt May, and Uncle Ben

"Quit pushing!" Mayday yells at her brother who quickly snaps back. "You're the one who's shoving, crayon head!" The two then butt heads and growl at each other with furious expressions until they are separated by Aunt May and Uncle Ben

"Okay, you two, I think that's enough. We're trying to take a picture." Aunt May kindly says as Uncle Ben lets out a gruff chuckle. "That's right. Now, c'mon. Stop fighting for five minutes and put on a smile." He cheerfully says

The pair of siblings cross their arms and furrow their eyebrows while giving each other dirty looks. "I guess..." They both begrudgingly say as Peter and Mary Jane guide them to the center with Y/N Jr.

"Come on, guys, it isn't that bad. Dad says we're gonna make cookies after this, so don't be too mad." Y/N Jr. states, making Mayday and Ben drop their attitudes, replacing them with joyous faces

"Really!? Awesome! Thanks, Uncle Y/N!" The paid yell in unison, earning a laugh from everyone

The group gets huddled together, prompting Y/N to press the button on the camera and start the countdown for the shoot. He high-tails it to Gwen's side. "Let me get that for you." He softly says while gently picking up Peni from Gwen's arms, relieving the tired blonde

"Thanks, babe. I couldn't get her to stop. You know she likes you a lot more." Gwen expresses with a soft smile as she views Y/N comforts Peni, easing her fit

"It's okay, babe. She'll come around. Like, come on. You're the cool one out of the two of us." He says while giving a warm smile to Gwen, causing her to giggle and raise an eyebrow

"Not as good a sweet talker as you." She then gives Y/N a peck on the lips before they both get into position for the photo

The camera beeps as it gets ready to take the photo. "Okay everyone, say cheese!" Mary Jane exclaims, causing everyone to do as instructed and give a heartfelt smile toward the camera as it flashes

Gwen puts her glass of wine down, still holding onto it while looking down on it, remaining still as tears run down her cheeks. "You know... I think she's right... I'd rather have you here right now, too..." She grips the glass a bit too hard and shatters it into many pieces that go into her hand

The shards of glass don't phase her much as the overwhelming sadness numbs her body and brings forth more tears. She squints her eyes and balls her bloodied fist. "Why did you have to go and be the hero? Why couldn't you just let me be the one, huh?" She barely musters out, her voice cracking a bit at the end of her complaint

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