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Y/N: "GWEN!!!"

He removes Gwen's mask to find her eyes shut. Tears drop on her face as Y/N relentlessly shakes her

Y/N: "Please, wake up!"

Y/N's cries fall on deaf ears as Gwen stays unresponsive. His eyebrows furrow and he gets to his feet. He begins to walk to the ledge of the rooftop when Malala lands in front of him

Malala: "Y/N! Oh, I'm glad I found you. I was beginning to think-"

Malala stops mid-sentence as she sees the Y/N's severed arm and the blade sticking out of Gwen

Malala: "Wh- What-"

Y/N: "Mal, help me get her to a hospital. She needs treatment now!"

Malala snaps out of her shock and composes herself

Malala: "Why don't you just portal yourself back to HQ? Surely that'll be a better option-"

Y/N: "I lost my watch. It was on my left wrist"

Y/N thinks for a second and then shifts his head toward the city

Y/N: "You may be right. My watch fell over there. Go and find it. I'll wait for you right here, but hurry!"

Malala nods and shoots out a web line to begin swinging in the direction Y/N mentioned

Y/N lets out a deep breath and looks back at Gwen who twitches

Gwen: "Y- Y/N..."

Y/N: "Gwen! Just hang on, okay? We're gonna get you help"

Gwen starts letting out tears as she grinds her teeth from the pain

Gwen: "Did... Did we beat-"

Y/N: "Yeah... We did... You did, Gwen. He's gone"

Gwen weakly smiles but then coughs up large amounts of blood

Y/N's eyes widen and he leans his face closer to Gwen

Y/N: "Hang on! Just a little longer"

Y/N looks back up at the city with worry

Y/N: "Come on, Mal..."

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Malala swings off her web line and lands on the rubble below. She shifts her head in several directions and decides on an area to start. She runs to it and begins throwing rocks and other material out of the way

Malala: "Where is it!? Come on!"

Malala rummages through the rubble and turns her head a few more times before she spots something moving

Malala: "What is that?"

Malala runs to the object and finds it to be Ultron with his armor destroyed, only parts of it remaining while his energy core is dragged outside his body. She clenches her fists and walks up to the villain but stops as she notices what he's crawling after

Malala: "Y/N's watch!"

Ultron crawls to the watch with one hand as his whole body shoots out sparks. He inches closer to the device and begins to chuckle. However, his feeling of victory is abrupted when Y/N's watch is pulled away by a webline

Malala: "Don't you know it's wrong to steal?"

Malala looks at the damaged device and begins to press the controls of it. She calls someone and waits a second before she is connected

Spider-Phantom: Spider-Verse X Spider-Man ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now