New World

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As Felicia is giving Y/N the tour of the camp, several children go up to the webhead

Kid 1: "Hey mister!"

Y/N: "Uhh, hey kid. What's up?"

Kid 2: "Your costume is ugly as shit!"

Y/N's face turns pale as he gains a look of despair

Black Cat: "Hey! Beat it!"

Felicia yells in an annoyed tone and the kids listen, running while laughing their heads off. All while a certain bearded man chuckles from a distance

Y/N composes himself and notices the man. He rolls his eyes and continues walking with Felicia

Y/N: "I think I found my number one fan"

Y/N gestures to him and Felicia looks

Black Cat: "Don't mind Logan. He's kind of an ass with everyone"

Y/N chuckles and grows a smirk

Y/N: "Yeah, sounds about right"

Y/N looks over more of the small buildings and turns his head back to Felicia

Y/N: "So I had a question"

Black Cat: "Hm?"

Y/N: "Why were you stealing those gems when I found you?"

Felicia chuckles and gives Y/N a playful grin

Black Cat: "What? A girl can't have nice things?"

Y/N: "Yeah, but not when you have to steal them"

Felicia waves off Y/N

Black Cat: "Oh c'mon, Spider. Live a little"

Y/N rolls his eyes and keeps walking with Felicia

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Y/N and Felicia continue their trip around the camp until they find themselves in front of a food shack

Black Cat: "Come on. I know you'll like it"

Felicia heads inside and Y/N follows. They go and sit down at a free table and wait a few moments when an elderly man with sunglasses comes to take their order

Stan Lee: "And what will we be having today?"

Black Cat: "Just two of the usual"

The legend writes down their order on his notepad and walks back to the kitchen to prepare the meals

Y/N: "So... a resistance? How did that happen?"

Felicia leans back slightly in her chair and fixes her hair a bit

Black Cat: "You don't know? Figured that little club of yours would have everything on me"

Y/N: "Well, we can't exactly have info on every single universe"

Felicia rolls her eyes and sits straight in the chair

Black Cat; "Fine. I'll tell you, but you'll have to give me something in return"

Felicia says with a smirk which Y/N nervously sweats at

Y/N: "Uhh, s- sure"

Black Cat: "Great. Okay, listen up"

Y/N leans on the table with his arms as Felicia leans closer as well

Black Cat: "It started eleven years back. Iron Man and Hank Pym created the Ultron AI"

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