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EZRA enters an interview room, with the show logo in the background.

EZRA: What am I here for? When is my audition?

PRODUCER: We want to do an interview to get a feel for you. We do this with all our contestants.


PRODUCER: Yeah. Tell me your name, age, and where you are from.

EZRA: Uh... let's see. My name is Ezra Thompson, I'm seventeen years old, and I'm from Toronto, Canada.

PRODUCER: Great. Tell me a little bit about yourself. How long have you been playing music?

EZRA: I've just kind of been playing music for my entire life. I played piano in my school's jazz band. But I've always been a singer who wrote songs.

PRODUCER: Hmmm. Are you excited to be here?

EZRA: Yeah. I am.

PRODUCER: Say it more enthusiastically.

EZRA: I'm so excited to be here!

PRODUCER: Why this show? Do you think you can win?

EZRA: Well, I hope so. (awkward chuckle). I don't know though. I'm a little bit nervous.

PRODUCER: Have you ever performed like this?

EZRA: At school maybe. I've never sung in front of anyone since I was twleve. Do shampoo bottles count?

PRODUCER laughs timidly.

PRODUCER: Why did you start singing?

EZRA: When I was young, I went through a traumatic experience which led me to singing to make myself feel better.

PRODUCER: What was that experience? If I can ask.

EZRA: Um, I don't really want to say.

PRODUCER: Okay. Can we get MOM in here?

EZRA's mother enters the frame and switches seats with EZRA.

PRODUCER: How excited are you to see your daughter perform?

MOM: Very. I hope she sings well and represents herself well. I am proud of Ezra.


PRODUCER: All right. Cut! (whispering). She's very boring. We need something interesting to happen to her.

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