chapter fifty-eight

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Maggie's Pov:

"Fallon!" Julien yelled as she raced across the parking lot, scooping the toddler up in her arms.

My cheeks hurt, that's how big my smile is, I know how much she loves that little girl. I speed walk over to the group, pulling Noah into a hug. "Hey! I missed you!"

"Ugh, I missed you too!" she hugged me tight, I loved Noah so much. She truly is the best.

"Hi Jos," I smiled, pulling him into a hug after I let go of Noah. It was weird to see my older brother with a beard but it was working for him.

"It's nice to see you under much better circumstances," he chuckled. Man, he was right. I don't wanna be stressed out every time I get to see my brother or his family.

"You're so right," Fallon was the last person I said hi to. Not because I didn't want to, but because she was very occupied with babbling about the aquarium with Julien.

"Auntie Maggie! Auntie Julien is gonna carry me around! Is that okay?" she asked, leaning her head on Julien's shoulder.

"You don't have to ask me! Of course, you can! As long as you let us take a picture in front of the jellyfish, deal?" My eyebrows raised up as we walked into the ocean-themed building.

"Deal!" Fallon kicked her legs a few times before wrapping them back around Julien's waist. "Auntie Julien, you look very pretty!"

"Thank you! You're so sweet! You look very pretty too, you have fishies on your shirt and look! There's fish right there!" Julien pointed to the big cylinder fish tank that stretched from the ceiling to the floor that was displayed in the middle of the first floor.

Fallon gasped at the beautiful tank, I placed my hand on Julien's lower back as I paid for our entry fees. Once everything was paid for we started looking around.

The first floor had sharks, turtles, a stingray touch pond, smaller and bigger fish of all different kinds, axolotls, and a door leading outside where they had penguins.

"I wanna touch!" Fallon pointed at the touch tank, wiggling a bit to try and escape Julien's arms. "Mama, can I touch?"

"Sure baby, you can let her down, JB," Noah gave permission when we got only a few feet away from the tank.

After she sat Fallon down, I kept my hand on Julien's back. When the little girl was climbing up to sit on the rock ledge so she could touch the animals, I noticed a girl probably around my age basically eye fucking my girlfriend.

I sent the girl a harsh look, but apparently, that wasn't enough. I placed my finger under Julien's chin, moving her face towards me, I kissed her lips, rather passionately.

That was out of character for me, when we pulled away, Julien's smiling face was flushed. "What was that for? We try to keep our PDA to small touches."

"Just wanted to make sure that everyone," my eyes moved passed Julien and over to the girl, "knows that you are mine."

"Oh," she looked behind her, "you're jealous! Honey, you know you're the only woman for me."

"I know, I'm sorry," I look down at my feet, embarrassed.

"Hey, it's okay," Julien pulled me into a hug. "I don't care for people gawking at me so if you can shut it down, I don't mind."

"I love you so much," I kissed her cheek, before pulling away. The purple button-up she was wearing brought out her pretty eyes that stared up at me.

"I love you more," during this whole interaction, Josiah and Noah were making sure that Fallon didn't get hurt while she was touching the stingrays.

Loud giggles came from the small child as she pulled her hand from the water, "it feels funny!"

"It does, huh? Do you wanna touch it again or do you wanna move on?" Noah asked her daughter, Fallon turned to Julien and threw her arms up in the air, which answered that question.

Julien picked Fallon up, we moved on and started looking at the pretty different colored fish that swam about the tanks.

"Babe, look! Koi Fish!" I pointed it out, so we went up to the exhibit. I took Julien's free arm and rolled her sleeve up, revealing her Koi Fish tattoo.

"You have the fishies in the tank on your arm!" Fallon gasped, grabbing Julien's arm and comparing the animals in the tank to the tattoo.

"I do! Aren't they really pretty? They look just like each other," Julien and Fallon leaned over the tank.

We took our time with each station, we saw every animal in the place, except jellyfish. Fallon was getting sleepy and just wanted to go into the gift shop to pick something out, it looked like we were gonna have to leave soon.

Of course, I wanted to see my favorite animal but if we had to leave, then that's alright. I still had a good day.

"Hey Maggie, we're gonna take Fallon into the gift shop," Josiah told me, taking his daughter from my girlfriend.

"That's okay, we'll see you in a little bit," I smile, trying not to let my disappointment shine through. The family walked away from us, and Julien grabbed my hand.

"Come this way," she dragged me into a room, across a wall was a ginormous round tank of jellyfish. "Here's your jellyfish, baby."

I light up, "Woah! They're so beautiful!" We watched them for a while until someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, would you like me to take your picture?" A teenager asked. He had a baseball jersey on, jeans, combat boots, and a few beaded bracelets on.

"Yes! That would be great!" I handed him my phone, he grabbed it with his left hand, his nails were painted a red color that matched the jersey. Julien and I kissed each other as he took a few photos. We thanked the kid as we looked over what was taken.

He got a really good one of us right after we pulled away. Julien was gazing up at me and we both had big smiles on our faces. I would say, it was a pretty good day.


a/n: I hope your day is better than mine 🙏

i found out that my partner is an awful person so i'm going to break up with them. it definitely sucks, but i'll live. i'll be running up Julien Baker though


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