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Logan had been in California for a little more than three weeks and Rory had been taking care of Delilah on her own. It was a week before Logan was supposed to come back and Lorelai invited Rory and Del to come spend the weekend with her and Luke.

Rory and Del drove to Stars Hollow on Thursday afternoon and on Saturday morning Rory found herself in Lorelai and Luke's house, drinking coffee with Lorelai before Del woke up. Luke had already left the house.

"So, when's Logan getting back?" Lorelai asked. Logan had called her a few days before to ask for her help to surprise Rory. He'd finished his project early and was gonna surprised Rory by coming home early.

Before Rory could answer they heard Delilah crying. Rory went into her old bedroom where she and Del had slept and changed Del before bringing her back out to the kitchen. She put milk in a sippy cup for Del before sitting down with Del on her lap. "Did you ask me something?"

"When's Logan getting back?"

"A week from tomorrow" Rory sighed.

"You miss him, huh?"

"Yeah" Rory nodded. "And it's weird. It's like I don't know how to sleep alone anymore"

"Well it's been a while since you've had to" Lorelai said

"I've been putting her in my bed at night so it doesn't feel so empty"

"That's sweet"

"Yeah, she loves it" Rory said

Just then they heard the front door open and close.

"Hi Luke!" Rory called out, thinking it was Luke who just walked in. She wasn't wrong. It was Luke that walked in, but he'd just picked up a special someone from the airport that Rory didn't know about. A moment later Lorelai made eye contact with Logan who was now standing behind Rory, mostly hidden by a wall.

"Daddy" Delilah said.

"Daddy's not here, baby" Rory said

Logan quickly moved to stand right behind Rory. He put his hands on her shoulders and his face close to her ear. "Are you sure about that?"

"Oh, my god!" Rory stood up, holding Del and Logan wrapped his arms tightly around both of them. He waited for Rory to let go before taking Delilah from her. Del put her head down on his shoulder and snuggled into him. "What are you doing here?"

"We finished" Logan said

"I thought you weren't gonna be back until next week" Rory said. "I thought you guys needed a month, and-"

"Are you gonna shut up so I can kiss you?" Logan asked. He put his hand on her waist, pulling her close, and kissed her quickly. Not quite how he would've liked to kiss her after not seeing her for a month but her mother and step father were both in the room so some restraint was necessary. 

"Did you know about this?" Rory asked

"I might've" Lorelai said

"Oh, my god, I'm so happy you're back" Rory said and hugged Logan as best as she could while he was holding Del. "You're never allowed to leave again"

Logan chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "I don't plan on it"

After the initial excitement of Logan showing up wore off, Rory got Delilah situated with breakfast before Logan pulled her outside to the back porch. Before Rory could even ask what he was doing, Logan backed her up against the house and firmly pressed his lips against hers, kissing her deeply.

"I missed you, Ace" Logan said

"I missed you too"

Rory was originally planning on staying in Stars Hollow until Sunday, but the appearance of Logan changed things and they went home that afternoon. 

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