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junhyuk's pov

i pull up to an unfamiliar club, an hour away from where we live. apparently this is where sangmin is located, wasting his life away.

maybe he wouldn't be so deep in regret if he just atleast tried to give what yubin wanted knowing FULLY WELL he feels the same for him.

i see sangmin staggering to my car, looking like he's seen better days. i immediately rushed out of the car and over to him, helping him maintain his balance. "i got you. i will lead you to my car." i tell him as i did exactly that.

"i need to tell him how i feel." i hear him mumbled under his breath, enough for me to hear. "you need to tell him how you feel when you're not drunk as a fucking skunk." i say as i carefully watch him get in my passenger side. i slammed the door shut and went to the driver's side, driving back home.

"remember, don't vomit in my car. if you feel like you need to i will pull over ok?" i say as i drive farther away from the club sangmi  has been going to since the whole ordeal with him and yubin.

"hyukie, i love him. i really do. w-why can't i have him? life isn't fair." i hear him say. i sighed, knowing he wouldn't say all of this when he's sober.

do i know he loves him? yes. however he blew his chances and has yet to come fix things between him and yubin. it's like he's scared to come clean.

"can i go see him? i wanna tell him how much of a fucking awful person i was. i wanna a-apologize. i love him so much. i d-didn't mean it at all." i hear soft sobs coming from him.

"don't cry please. i know you regret everything, but i cannot let you talk to yubin right now. not when you look like satan tossed you around in a pit of fire."

"h-he means so much to me. oh why am i such a fucking idiot to treat him in that matter." he says as his sobs got louder.

i pulled into a gas station, parking in a nearby parking space. i pull him in for a hug as he stains my shirt with his tears. "sangmin, you may not remember this. am i still a little angry at you for hurting yubin the way you did? yeah. that was shit of you. however, you're still one of my members and i know so well that this time around you will make things right, even if i have to help you." i say, rubbing his back.

"hyukie, can we go home? p-please?" he stutters, letting go. i nodded, starting the car, driving back home to where everyone will be waiting.

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