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dongpyo's pov

i put my phone down and exited my room to make sure everyone was gone like they said they would.

i told junhyuk earlier i was gonna stay behind for a few hours to finish up some things i was doing. in reality, i was having seungwoo over to talk about my feelings.

i figured them out, and it made me miss a specific guy so much. i hope this provides some clarity not just to seungwoo but to myself.

i hear the door knock. i get up and opened the door to seungwoo, standing there with a smirk. "what's with the maybe my love? how about we get to it now." he says, leaning in to me.

i started to back away, sitting down on the couch in the process. "seungwoo, we need to talk." i tell him.

he stops in his tracks and goes to sit in the chair that's across from me. "ah, so that's what brings me here. you can tell me anything."

i sighed, hoping this doesn't lead into an overreaction. knowing seungwoo, i know it will but i'm just preparing for the worst.

"seungwoo, i think our relationship should end for the second time." i say hesitantly. "what?! dongpyo you're crazy! i didn't cheat this time!"

"i never said you did!" i began to raise my voice. "i realized all along i was in love with someone else!'

"woongki isn't it?" seungwoo got up to step closer to me. "i could be so much better than he would ever be!"

"he never cheated on me while we were in a relationship! i did with you! i made a big fucking mistake." i began to tear up. "so all along while you were kissing and fucking me, you were in love with him this entire time?! you're fucking pathetic dongpyo!"

"not as pathetic as someone who cheats twice. twice!" i scream back at him, getting up. "now excuse me, i am leaving. stay if you want but i'll make sure the others kick your fucking ass." i threatened as i walked out of the house, walking blocks to get to where i wanted to go.

i make it to a house. a house i'm very much familiar with. i walk up to the door, slowly knocking.

"coming!" i heard the guy on the other end shout. the door opens and my eyes met him, a small smile appearing on my lips.

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