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junhyuk's pov

"look what that son of a bitch did! he scared your wife away!" my mom says bitterly. "my wife?! she was never gonna be my wife mom! i'm marrying siyoung! end of discussion!" i shout back.

"junhyuk! enough! stop talking to your mother like that!" my dad shouts at me. "if you even respected my mom, you wouldn't be leaving the house so much just to get other women pregnant! worry about that before you worry about my relationship with siyoung!

i love him! i'd do anything for him! he is everything that i wanted! i have loved him for the past five years! you can't just try to come back in my life and think this is okay!" the tears began to spill from my eyes. i felt the slap from my own father across my face. "don't EVER talk to me like that ever again, you hear?! also stop fucking crying, you're a man junhyuk! A MAN!"

"leave my junhyuk alone!"

i whipped my head to turn at...siyoung's mom? he wasn't kidding about getting his mom to kick their asses. i looked over at siyoung as he walks over to me. he held onto me tightly as i silently sobbed into his shoulder.

"babe, i'm right here." siyoung said, tracing circles around my back. "i'm not going anywhere." i can hear the crack in his voice.

i could hear smacking coming from siyoung's mom directed towards both my parents as she cusses them out. i couldn't focus on what they were saying as siyoung was leading me out of the house.

i pulled away from him, wiping my tears on the hems of my sweatshirt. "i'm sorry siyoung i should of never dragged you along in this."

"babe no i'm glad you did. i'm so fucking proud of you for standing up for yourself like this." he says as he tears up. i began to wipe the tears from his eyes.


we turned to look at...shouu? and dohyun? where the fuck did they come from?

i looked over at siyoung, confused. "did you tell them to come here?" i said. he nodded, cupping my cheek. "we're not in the right state of mind to drive right now. shouu will drive us home and dohyun will drive my car back home."

i nodded and looked over at shouu and dohyun as i walked over to them, embracing them in a warm hug. "your parents fucking suck. i'm so sorry." shouu says as i sob once more. "i heard you stuck up for yourself. takes a ton of courage to do that to your own parents." dohyun says.

"alright. i'm done giving these two assholes what they needed." i turned to look at siyoung's mom as i run over to her, hugging her. "thank you so much. for sticking up for me like that." i say in between sobs. she traces circles around my back with one hand and runs her other through my hair.

"i will always defend you. you have gave nothing but happiness to my only child, my siyoungie. i will always consider you like my second son." she then pulls away from the hug, hands on my shoulder now. "keep him safe like you always do. today had to be emotionally draining for the both of you."

"i sure will, thanks. also say hi to toto for us." i say as she let out a giggle. she walked to her car and i watched her drive off. i then looked over at dohyun as i handed him my keys. "thanks junhyuk. you two get some rest when we get home." he says as he gets in siyoung's car and drives off.

"get in. you two can take a nap on the way back. it's gonna be like an.hour long." he says as siyoung and i climb into the backseat. shouu gets in, starts the car, and drives off.

i cuddled siyoung close to my chest as we drifted off to sleep.

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