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shouu's pov

"shouu, i wanna get married."

i almost spat out the orange juice i was drinking with the breakfast i was eating. this came out of nowhere and it's a typical morning for us.

"when?" i asked dohyun as he walks over and sits across from me. "how about now? i'm ready when you are."

i sat my chopsticks down and got up. "give me a moment dohyun." i say as i walked up the stairs to our shared bedroom.

i sat on our bed, pulling up pictures from my phone. scrolling through every photo made me smile as i reminisce the memories i shared with dohyun.

i'm absolutely a hundred percent positive that i wanna marry this man, and i knew how i would pull what i'm about to do off.

i smiled as i walked out and walked downstairs. i stood behind dohyun as he was still sitting where he was before i stepped away.

i silently began to kneel down on one knee. i'm gonna give this man a proper proposal.

"hey dohyun?" i say. he turns towards me with a shocked look as he got up. "but i asked?" he said. "i know baby. however, i've always wanted to be the one to ask and i wanna give you that." i say as i grab his hands.

"shouu you didn't have to do that." he says, intertwining his fingers with mine. "i know, but i wanted to give you this before we go get our rings and suits. i know we can't get married here legally, but i wanna spend the rest of my life with you. yoo dohyun, will you marry me?"

"of course shouu!" he says giggling. i smile, getting up as i pull him closer to me. "i love you dohyun. let's get married." i say before i softly place my lips against his in a quick kiss.

we both pulled away from eachother. "should we head to the mall now? to get the rings and our suits." i asked. he nodded and took my hand, leading me to our car.

"woah there!" i chuckle as i follow along. "i think you should drive." i tell him as i hand him the keys. i get into the passenger side as he got in the driver's side.

i buckle up as i hear the engine start. dohyun drives out of our driveway and gets on the road for the next fourty minutes, going towards the mall we always go to.

it wasn't the best mall to exist but they had a really nice jewelry store to obtain our wedding rings.

my mind wasn't focused on anything else right now. i had my phone in the notes app, typing out everything i want to say to dohyun during our ring ceremony.

kind of like vows right? actually no that's exactly what they were. they were simply vows, things that came from my heart.

"shouu? we're here."

i immediately snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the building in front of us. i close out of the notes app and turned my phone off. i got out of the car and went to dohyun's side.

dohyun got out, putting his hand in mine. we both walk in to be met with the typical mall atmosphere.

"the jewelry store should be-" i say as i look at the mall layout. "-on this floor. right next to victoria secret."

"can we peek into victoria secret? we might find a nice in bed honeymoon fit." dohyun jokes, making me let out a small chuckle.

"you trying on lingerie would have us sidetracked by a lot so let's not." i say as we walk to the suit store. "and i thought sangmin and yubin were bad, look at you." he says with a smirk on his face. i rolled my eyes and slightly smacked him on the arm. "atleast we keep it to ourselves. besides, we aren't having our honeymoon until after siyoung and junhyuk's wedding." i say.

we both walk right past victoria secret awkwardly and straight into the jewelry store. "let's take a look." i say, going ahead and looking at the most stunning rings i've ever seen.

"hi! my name is chu jimin! what can i help you with?" i look up at the guy that worked here, named jimin obviously.

"hi! so me and my soon to be husband are getting married today and we are looking for some nice, silver plated rings." i explained to him.

"ah! but isn't it illegal for you two to get married here legally?" he asked us. dohyun chuckled and nodded. "we are aware, but we are doing it illegally, and so are two of our best friends, except ours is just an elopement." he explains.

jimin smiled and went to the other side of the store. "i think i have found what you two are looking for!" he says, bringing over the display of a certain ring.

a nice silver plated ring, simply made for us. i look at dohyun to get his approval. "what do you think babe?"

he didn't say a word. his eyes were solely on the ring. "will i take that as a yes?" i asked. he finally looked up at me and nodded. "that is the most beautiful ring i've ever seen." i smiled widely as i looked up at jimin once more.

"we'll take it."

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