Chapter 16: Family

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Two Weeks Later

~Emery's POV~

I smile warmly when I step off the elevator to find Colin waiting for me, just like he has been for every day after work for the last two weeks.

He smiles at me and when I walk over, he presses his lips to mine in an affectionate greeting. "Ready to go?" he asks when he pulls away, touching his lips to my forehead.

I smile warmly and nod.

I give his hand a squeeze when he locks his fingers with mine and we head out to where Reese is waiting next to the car. He smiles in greeting at me like usual and pulls the door open for me.

The last two weeks have honestly been incredible. A little over three months ago I was all alone, I lived cold and starving on a street bench. I slept under streetlights because I was terrified of the dark and the loneliness.

Today I am in the back of an expensive town car, after a very successful day of working with my best friend, on a prestigious project. I am planning my wedding so I can marry Colin Corrette, early next month. I want to have the ceremony before I am showing too much, I want to be able to fit in a dress and I don't want to be heavily pregnant during our honeymoon. Next month I will be marrying one of the richest men in the world.

A man who is incredibly affectionate, romantic and strong. I have a partner and it warms every part of me.

I glance at Colin after a long silence, he is on his phone. "How was work?" I ask.

He turns his gaze from the screen to me and shrugs "it was fine. What about you?"

"It was good. Ellie and I made a lot of headway in our project." I glance at him with a warm smile "I am so full, we spent the afternoon sampling things for the dinner, the caterer that Ellie found is incredible."

"So you had a very good lunch then?" Colin asks with a warm smile.

I nod "I haven't eaten that much ever before in my life."

Colin laughs softly "good."

He falls silent for a moment before he reaches over and sets his hand on my stomach. He smiles warmly "I can't wait for tomorrow."

I smile, tomorrow is the first ultrasound, and he has been talking about it all week. He can't stop talking about how excited he is to finally see the baby. He also wants to re-ask the thousands of questions he has emailed and texted and called Dr. Falcone about the last two weeks. He has asked the poor woman more questions than I even thought could be asked and that is with all the stuff he has been reading and learning. I love watching how excited he is for this baby.

I am too. It seems every day it becomes more real. It is incredible really how much a baby the size of a grape can impact you. Yesterday I woke up at two in the morning to eat a pickle and peanut butter sandwich. Which was the strangest thing I have ever eaten but it was oddly good. Guess whatever the baby likes I like right now too. I can't stand chicken, and food needs to be extra bland right now. I think I might be driving London crazy. I'll have to order her flowers to thank her for putting up with me right now.

I have insane morning sickness. I get sick nearly every morning and sometimes haul myself out of bed in the middle of the night as well. It's difficult to get through but I am getting by and from what I have read it is only for another four weeks, thank God.

I have started working out with Jackie Curtis again, she is incredibly nice and she has experience with exercising while pregnant. Even with her experience, Colin had an hour-long phone call with Dr. Falcone to ask her what was safe, what to avoid and every other possible question he could have thought of. The biggest thing she said was to start slow and slowly increase as I feel comfortable and I am not supposed to twist my abdomen. I have never really worked out before but I find after thirty minutes with Jackie I feel less stressed and I sleep better at night.

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