Mandatory Reunion| Chapter 1

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Hi everyone! I love reading these so I decided to write my own as well! Please keep in mind that some things about the Jonas Brothers will be true and some will be made up for the purpose of the story. For example, obviously Nick is not married and has no kids. Joe is newly single and Kevin is married to Danielle with Alena and Valentina. I hope you like it!! Comment and let me know!

I'm probably just overthinking about this whole situation. I mean... it's just Kevin, Joe and Nick. They're literally normal people... who have bathrooms bigger than my entire home. And  they probably have personal chefs. And they also definitely have no need to ever wear a shirt or pair of pants twice. Oh no. We're spiraling. Snap out of it Lex. It's just Thanksgiving dinner. You've known them your whole life. Get. It. Together.

"LEX! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU HAVE BEEN IN THE BATHROOM FOR OVER AN HOUR!!!" Ray, my older cousin, said. He's 36. I'm 27. You can imagine how much we truly get along seeing as we are the only two grandchildren. I should tell you that I lost my mom about 12 years ago and haven't really been to a family gathering consistently since then. It doesn't feel the same. You know? You get 
the "oh, she'd be so proud" or the "you look just like her" from every person in the room and it's not something I'd like to relive. But this year was different. It was supposedly mandatory that I attend Thanksgiving , Christmas and New Years this year and I did NOT feel like upsetting grandpa.

"Ray it's been 36 minutes and if you don't stop asking, I'll stay in here until everyone goes home tonight." I scrunched up my spiral curls one last time and fixed my lipgloss. One things for certain, I REFUSE to look a mess in front of the Jonas Brothers. They haven't seen me since like 2011. I mean, I have boobs now. I looked in the long mirror at my blue ripped jeans paired with my black short sleeved crop top.

Heels. I need heels. This will complete my outfit. Maybe a cardigan? Please pick something, Lex. You're making me anxious. Fine. This is the outfit. But I do need the heels.

I opened the door and almost ran directly in to Ray. God, I swear it's like there isn't two bathrooms in my aunts house. I quickly grabbed my open-toed black heels and ran down the stairs  knowing that putting them on down there would save me a trip to the ER.

Let me give you some backstory. Ray grew up with the Jonas Brothers when they lived in Jersey. Him and Kevin used to hang out after school almost every day. I on the other hand, was actually very close to Joe, who never let them pick on me. He's such a sweetheart. Nick was always so quiet and serious. You'd think that we would have been close due to my age but nope. He was always so focused into music that it was rare if you saw Nick away from an instrument.

Because Ray and Kevin stayed great friends throughout the years, he decided it was a great opportunity to get everyone together this year before the boys go on their world tour next year. Yup. That's right. My whole family. The whole Jonas family. What could go wrong ? It's not like I'm gonna fall in love with Nick or something. Right?

"Alexa, sweetie, Can you set the table? The Jonas family will be here any minute.." I heard as I was coming around the corner and into the kitchen. Aunt Colleen isn't one for nicknames. I never understood why everyone else in the family calls me Lex and to her, I'm Alexa. Always. I nodded and snuck a mozzarella ball from the tray, popped it into my mouth, and grabbed the finest plates we had.

We're an extra type of family. We have name tags and once they're on the table, you're stuck sitting there.

Why is my name in between Ray and Nicks? Someone better start explaining soon. I never sit next to Nick or Ray. It's always Ray, Kevin, me, Joe, Nick.

"If you twirl your curls any longer, you'll be bald." My grandpa said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Gramps, who was in charge of the nametags this year?" I tried to ask calmly so it didn't seem like I was worried. Is it a big deal realistically? No. But I never know what to say to Nick. He doesn't talk to me. So I do NOT want to go an entire dinner without speaking to someone because I know Ray's attention will be on Kevin who is sitting on the other side of him.
"Me, dear. I thought you kids could use a change. All those years you sat the same way. And it's a special year. Just try it." I barely heard the whole sentence, blocking him out after basically hearing that he doesn't love me like I thought he did.

I'm shy. I'm awkward. What the hell am I supposed to talk Nick about other than his music? What kind of toothpaste he uses? Oh Lord. Here we go. I felt my anxiety rising.


Oh thank Jesus. Joe is here first. He should calm some nerves. I hope.

You're Breathtaking.. | Nick JonasOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz