Options | Chapter 36

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Lex's POV:
The sun was shining through the windows, making it hard to want to open my eyes. I rolled away from the light and felt nothing but cold sheets. Sadness filled my bones as I slid out of bed. I threw on some sweatpants and a long sleeve crop top, threw my hair in a bun and put my glasses on. The smell of breakfast lured me into the kitchen. In front of me was a sight I wasn't familiar with. Nick making homemade waffles, singing "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" while Grandma joins in as she flips the bacon. She had the biggest smile I've seen in a while. "Your voice was made for that song, Nick." His focus now on her as he removed the waffle. "Thank you, grandma!" I slid into the stool at the island and made myself face to face with Nick. Our conversation from a few nights ago was still lingering over us like a cloud. Fortunately, the storm was calm. "Good morning, my love. Hungry?" I smiled and reached for his hand. "Good morning love. I'm very hungry today." Our eyes stayed locked as he slid an empty plate in my direction. "Grandma and I made breakfast for everyone in honor of our last day here." My grandma slid her arm around my shoulder. "He is the one for you. If you don't marry him, I will." I helped carry the waffles to the dining room as the rest of the family sat around the table. "Thank you Nick for helping me." He took his seat next to me and grabbed grandma's hand. "Thank you for letting me help." The moment between them made me so emotional, I felt tears form at my eyes. My head rested on Nick's shoulder and I hugged his arm. His attention was on me. He whispered in my ear making sure I was okay. I looked up at his soft smile. "I'm emotional today. I don't know why."
A few days later, we were back home and Nick was out getting a few things ready for the latest album's release happening in a few weeks. I, on the other hand, had invited the girls to a brunch. We all arrived at the restaurant simultaneously and met inside. "Reservation for Lex. Party of 4. Right this way." I sat myself next to Kat as Angela and Danielle sat across the table.  "Do you know what you're getting Lex?" I nodded. "I'm really feeling a burger. With extra pickles." The table grew silent as all heads turned in my direction. "Lex, you don't like pickles." I shrugged and closed my menu. "I wanna try them. I'm craving them." Our food covered the table shortly after and we wasted no time digging in. I guess I have grown to like pickles.
It was around 6pm and Nick still wasn't home. He decided to have a night with his brothers, which meant I was going to be home alone for a few hours. I wasn't hungry at all but I was super thirsty. As I stood up to grab myself some water, the room started spinning. Lately I have been feeling all over the place. I must be sick or something. I grabbed a bottle of water, put on my coat, grabbed my purse and drove myself to the hospital. "Hi! You must be Alexa! I'm Doctor Sarrif" I nodded as the doctor slid her way into the room and closed the door behind her. "We ran some tests with all of the information you provided us with and we've ruled out any major illnesses and common colds." My chest felt lighter. "Thank you so much. I guess I am just under some stress with everything going on." I reached for my purse and she grabbed my arm gently. "Alexa..." I looked up at her. Her expression made the whole room feel closed in. What a tiny space for two people. "You're pregnant." My body was frozen. "I'm sorry. There has to be a mix-up here. I don't think I heard correctly. What did you say?" She crossed her legs and sat back in the chair. "Alexa, you're pregnant." My hands trembled on my thigh and I tried my best to breathe. "No. That can't be possible." Dr. Sarrif grabbed my hands and smiled. "I'm afraid it's very possible." She discussed all of my options with me and I left feeling worse than I did when I got there.
I pulled into the driveway just as Nick was pulling in. Oh great. I can't tell him this. What if he isn't okay with it. For now, we're gonna have to keep this a secret from him. Until I get some opinions and know what I want. I got out of the car and walked up to the front door. "Hi baby. Where'd you go?" Nick pulled me into a soft kiss and held the door open for me. "Just went window shopping. I was a little bored. How was your time with your brothers?" He smiled and slid his coat off. "It was a lot of fun. Alena and Valentina crashed the party and insisted I tuck them in to bed. That was the best part." My heart melted at his excitement over his nieces. In that moment I couldn't help but think what an amazing father he'd turn out to be. Nick and I have only been together for 6 months. That's practically nothing. But we've known each other for almost 20. That's damn near a life time. "Babe, you okay? You zoned out." I collected my thoughts and impulsively hugged him. "I'm great. I have you." He kissed the top of my head. "I dont know what this world has in store for the two of us, but I can't wait." I smiled up at him. He has no idea what he's in for. And quite frankly, neither do I. Sigh. I feel sick.

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