Just Talk to Him | Chapter 16

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Nick's POV:
It's Christmas. Yay. I hopped out of bed and got in the shower. We're supposed to all wear Christmas pajamas today and Lex and I had bought matching ones a few weeks ago. I don't think she will still wear them but I have to at least try. We've got no choice but to see each other today. I mean it's at her aunts house. She can't just not show up. I was stopped in my tracks by a phone call. Lex's grandpa?


"Nick! Sorry to bother! This Christmas, you're in charge of the seating arrangements for dinner. I'll see you there." He hung up. I didn't even get to respond. Me? In charge of seating arrangements? Perfect. I brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, put on the pajamas and some white sneakers and headed to Aunt Colleen's.
Lex's POV:
I was already at Aunt Colleen's. We agreed to wear pajamas this year and I had no time to get any new ones so I ended up having to wear the matching ones Nick and I bought. I am so not looking forward to this. Atleast the seating arrangements will probably be back to normal and I'll be next to Joe again. I was helping make the pasta salad when I heard him.

"Hey aunt Colleen! It's good to see you!" I rolled my eyes and continued stirring. Whatever. I will just be as far away as possible all night. I just have to play cool. I can do this. "Hi Lex" I could feel his presence on me, it was intoxicating. I have to get out of here. I grabbed the bowl and headed for the dining room, exhaling a deep breath once I reached it. My god this is gonna be hard. Please someone else show up soon. I looked up and my grandpa was holding the name cards. Oh no. I braced myself for the worst. I watched him hand Nick the names. Turns out I did NOT brace myself for the worst. Just say hi. It's gonna be over soon. Nick walked over to the table. "Hi...Nick." His face softened. "Hi beautiful. Don't worry. I won't torture you and put you next to me. I know you don't wanna be near me." He looks so sad. I love him so bad that I hate him. But I'm not over this. Make up your mind. You're stressing me out. "You can put me next to you." Why did I say that?! Didn't I just say I wanted to go back to normal. He smiled and looked at our names. "You sure?" I nodded and walked away. I hate myself. I am such an idiot sometimes.
Everyone was here and seated in the proper places. I haven't talked much all dinner. I think everyone can tell I'm just not okay. I miss Nick so bad it hurts but like .... He hurt me and lied. So where do I go and what do I do? I could smell his cologne. It took everything in me to not kiss him right then and there. Please send help. Literally anyone. My grandpa cleared his throat. "So Nick... same question as last time. Anyone special?" What the actual hell grandpa. I do not wanna hear about Olivia. Nick spoke up. "Yeah, actually...." Here we go. "I'm very much in love with Lex." I froze. Did he say Lex? He said Lex right? I need air. I'm pretty sure I am suffocating. I cleared my throat and excused myself from the table, walking as fast as I could upstairs.
Angela's POV:
I blinked unable to process what just happened. I kicked Joe underneath the table to signal him that this argument is gonna have to happen sooner than later. Nick looked defeated and we are sinking slowly. "Joe. Why don't we tell them our plans for the new year?" He looked at me and laughed. "I'm going on tour." I snapped at him. "We're moving in together." He took a forkful of mashed potatoes. "Oh yeah. That too." I got up. "Are you serious? If you don't wanna do it then just tell me." I stormed away from the table. Everyone was quiet and even Nick tried to nudge Joe and ask him if he was okay. Solid acting, Ang. I'm proud of you. I ran upstairs to where Lex was. Time to turn on the tears. Here we go.
Lex's POV:
Is someone crying?? "Ang??? You okay!?" She fell into my arms. "No!!! Joe can be so selfish and insensitive." My eyes went wide. "Joe?? What happened?" "I said let's share our plans for this year and he said tour only. Not that we're moving in together. Like really? If he didn't wanna be with me that's all he had to say." I rubbed her back. "Sometimes people just don't realize all the things going on in their life. Tours big for them. I don't think one argument should make you leave. He's worth it." She sat up. "Is Nick worth it?" I sat there shocked. "That's different." She shook her head. "You know it's not different. Nick is head over heels for you. Let him explain to you. You can at least have a conversation with him and then decide whether he is worth it or not." I rolled my eyes and headed downstairs. Nick was nowhere to be found but it was clear that dinner was over. Angela returned next to Joe and kissed him. They're gonna pay for that. I grabbed my jacket and his and headed for the only place I thought I could find Nick if he's not in the house. The light to the old tree house was on and I knew he was in there. I climbed the ladder, nearly dying. Why is this for kids? This is so unsafe. I popped my head in and saw him facing the other way, head in his hands. "You're gonna catch a cold without a jacket." I placed it on his shoulders. He looked up at me. "Wouldn't be the worst feeling I've felt this month." I sat down and sighed. "Nick. What happened? And please don't lie. I already have the photos so just please tell me why I wasn't enough." My body went numb. "What are you talking about? Olivia set me up. She told me she wanted me to present again for another pageant and hired paparazzi to take pictures. She wanted to make it seem like we were back together. If I don't post her by new years she will leak the photos." I couldn't breathe. He didn't cheat. But he did lie. Either way Olivia was around and she didn't come to play. I don't wanna share Nick. "Someone sent me the photos." I showed him my phone and he rubbed his head. "I thought I could solve this and get her to leave me alone without you knowing and hurting you and I did the opposite." I hugged my knees. "I'm sorry, Lex. Please forgive me. I don't want to know what life without you is like." My fingers found my curls and I looked up at him. My instinct was to sit in his lap so I did just that. He held me tight. "Post her." He looked at me. "What? No. I want you. I don't want people thinking that I am with her." I shook my head. "She's gonna make your life miserable." "This in between with you makes my life miserable. I can handle whatever she's gonna throw at me. I can't handle not having you." I placed my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry I lied. I just wanted to protect you." I nodded. "I know. I still need time. But I wanted to speak to you. Don't stay out here too long. We still have to exchange for secret Santa" I got up and left the tree house.

Nick's POV:
She spoke to me. I'll take it. She heard me. I can work with that. Secret Santa time. I headed back into the house and sat down across from Lex.
"Are we all ready to exchange gifts?"

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