Green Light| Chapter 40

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Lex's POV:
My eyes filled with tears as I opened the box. A tiny strawberry Pandora charm sat perfectly in the center. Tears formed as I held out my wrist for him.
Nick added it to my bracelet, kissing the top of my head as he laid down next to me. "I can't wait for tomorrow!" I shut off the light on my side of the room. "I know me either! Goodnight my love. I love you." I felt Nick's warm hand in my stomach, rubbing small circles as he settled into his pillow. "Goodnight sweetheart. Goodnight peanut. I love both of you."

Nick held my hand as he drove to our appointment the following morning. My nerves were through the roof and it was visible by the way my leg was shaking. "You okay?" His gentle voice broke me out of my thoughts, my hand subconsciously gripping his tighter. "I'm okay. I just want everything to go well." He pulled my hand to his face and kissed it lightly. "It's going to be amazing! We get to see our baby!"

"Okay Lex. This jelly is going to be cold just beware." Nick's eyes refused to leave the screen. I was just as mesmerized as he was. We were both afraid we'd miss something if we didn't pay attention. I momentarily turned to Dr. Sarrif as she moved the jelly around my stomach and smiled at Nick. "You must be dad." His thoughts seemed to be collected after hearing the word dad, his focus now on my stomach. "Why don't you help me?" She slid her chair over and handed Nick the scanner. As she guided him to various parts of my stomach, we both were captivated by the image in front of us. "I see our baby!!" His eyes glossed, his expression soft, I've never seen Nick in such a vulnerable state. Dr. Sarrif gave Nick the photo of the baby and played their heartbeat. "Are we finding out the gender?" Nick looked at me and then back at her. "We're gonna do a reveal together so no. Not yet." After cleaning myself off, we left the office on cloud nine. "I love you so much. Thank you for carrrying our baby." I looked up at Nick. "Well, it was a 50/50 chance between me or you so I decided to take one for the team." We laughed as we drove home, approaching a red light. Once green, Nick proceeded into the intersection as a driver not paying attention from the opposite direction also hit the gas. The cars collided, causing us to spin uncontrollably. All I remember is gripping my stomach, trying to protect this baby at all costs.
"Lex?!?" .... "LEX?!?!" ... "Oh my god. Please! Someone help!!! She's pregnant!! Our baby!"

I can hear the aftermath of the crash and sirens but my eyes won't open. Why do I feel so tired? Is Nick okay? Is he calling me? Why is he yelling? Is my baby okay? Maybe I'll feel better if I just take a little nap...

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