Oxygen | Chapter 37

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Lex's POV:
It's been a few weeks since I found out I was having a baby and Nick still doesn't know. I just don't know how to tell him. I've had time now to sit with this and I've decided that it's what I want. If it's going to be too much with tour coming up and all of Nick's other responsibilities, I don't know what I would do. I laid out my dress and heels for tonight. Luckily, my body hasn't changed yet so I still fit in everything I own. The group plus Alena and Valentina stayed with us last night so that the boys could make sure everything was set up the right way. This specific event is only going to have the family and closest friends attending so they're the ones mainly planning it. There was a knock on my door as I was sorting through my jewelry. "Come in." Kevin slid in the door holding several bow ties. "Lex, can you help me? I'm trying to match the best bow tie but Dani is helping the girls pick out their things for later." I laughed and matched them to his skin tone. "What color is your suit?" "It's navy." I grabbed one of Nick's navy jackets and held it up to him. "Go with the yellow." He smiled and gathered his ties. "Do you also have some bobby-pins? Dani forgot hers." As I returned Nick's jacket I pointed at my nightstand. "In the top drawer."

"Thanks!" As he opened the drawer, my body froze, forgetting what else was in that drawer. "Are these prenatal vitamins?" I slowly turned around and looked Kevin in the eyes. "Please don't say anything to your brother. I haven't told him." He walked up to me and ushered me to sit down. "You're pregnant?" I nodded and looked down. "That's so great! Congratulations!" I shushed him. "Nick doesn't know. Keep your voice down." He returned the vitamins to the drawer and whispered.
"When do you plan on telling him? Soon right?"

I shifted uncomfortably. "Yes. I just don't know how"

"Why not tonight at the party? It's gonna be his closest friends and family."

"Yeah, you're right. I guess I could." I got up and started doing my makeup. "Thank you, Kev. For being someone I could talk to."

He hugged me gently and left the room, leaving me with my thoughts and a whole lot of nerves.
I slid my dress and heels on.

Everyone gathered into the SUV's that were taking us to the party

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Everyone gathered into the SUV's that were taking us to the party. Nick placed his hand on my thigh and smiled at me. We were only a few minutes away when Kevin decided to speak up. "Let's make this a night to remember, everyone. Thank you for celebrating with us." His gaze was on me the entire time he spoke. When we arrived, the ballroom was filled with guests already and I slipped through the crowd, making it easy to get lost. I knew Nick would try to offer me some type of alcohol so I headed for the bar, grabbing a cranberry juice to keep in my hand. Just like clockwork, a familiar hand slid around my waist. "You're gorgeous. Please tell me you came alone so that I can take you home." I looked at Nick at smiled. "Sorry to disappoint. I'm actually here with my boyfriend. Nick Jonas. He's a super famous musician. This party is actually for him." He moved his hand to my face and kissed my cheek. "It's a shame. I think I'm jealous of this Nick guy." My cheeks grew warm and red at his touch. "Do you have a minute to talk alone?" He intertwined our fingers and walked me to our table. "I always have a minute for you. What's up?" My palms started feeling sweaty and my nerves were growing. "Well..." As soon as I mustered up the courage, I was interrupted by Phil, Nick's manager, needing him for a last minute album decision. I took a sip of my juice and watched the rest of the guests move around me. Kevin locked eyes with me across the room. I know he could tell I hadn't told Nick yet but he did his best to reassure me in the way he looked at me. My thoughts were broken by Nick returning to my side. "I'm sorry baby. What were you gonna say?" I grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes. "Nick I'm——". The music in the room was blaring out of nowhere. "What did you say?" "I'm ——." Nick shook his head in confusion because the music was still too loud. The music stopped as the words rolled off my tongue. "I'm pregnant!" My body lost all oxygen when I realized he finally heard what I had been trying to tell him. I immediately got up and headed for the door. The cool air hit my face and filled my lungs. I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't dare turn around to see who it was.

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