Receipts | Chapter 14

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Lex's POV:

"A key?" I looked up at Nick.

"My key. A key to my apartment." He grabbed my hands. "Just in case." I smiled at him. "Does this mean I get access to your closet?" He rolled his eyes. "Please at least leave me one hoodie."

Five Days Later

Nick was at an interview with his brothers and I was making us lunch because he was on the way home. I decided to clean off the table and stopped in my tracks when I found a receipt. "$300? On the night he said he was at his parents house for dinner?" I heard the door open and I quickly fixed the table, slipping the receipt into my pocket.

"Hey baby" he grabbed my waist and kissed me.

"Hey babe. Quick question. What did your mom make for dinner the other night? I wanna try to make it. You said it was really good." He shifted awkwardly. "She just made normal spaghetti" I nodded and handed him his lunch. Something feels off. "I'll be right back. I've gotta use the bathroom." He nodded taking a bite of his wrap. "Hurry up. I missed you."

I ran up the stairs and into the bathroom. I called Joe and impatiently waited for a response. "Hello?"

"Hey Joe. Quick question. What did your mom cook at the family dinner the other night? I wanna try and make it."

"What are you talking about? We didn't have a family dinner the other night?" My heart sunk. "Oh okay sorry. Thanks." I hung up and slid down the door, falling to my knees. This cannot be happening. I pulled out the receipt and scanned it. Two meals. One dessert and a wholeeee lot of alcohol. My heart stopped when I heard a knock. "Baby? You okay?" I opened the door and handed him the receipt. His entire face went pale and he reached for me. I pushed past him and gathered my things out of his room. "Lex. I can explain." I continued packing. "So then explain." He put his hands on his head. "I went out with Olivia." I stopped in my tracks "Your ex?? When you were supposed to be at your parents house. Got it. Thank you for clarifying." He sighed. "It's not like that. She called me because she has no one else. She just needed to talk." I laughed, closing my bag. "Well it looks like it was an expensive talk. It cost you $300 and your girlfriend."

Angela's POV:
"I called Lex. She didn't answer. She hasn't talked to any of us in days."

Joe sighed. "Nick hasn't either. It looks like this argument is hitting both of them really hard. Do you think they're done? For good?"

"They can't be. Lex probably just has to think and calm down. Maybe you and Kevin should visit Nick while Kat and I go shopping tomorrow." He nodded. "Yeah. I'll text Kev."

"I'm so glad we got out today. The tension in the group is sad right now."

Kat nodded at me, taking a bite of her soft pretzel. "Lex is really hurt. I've seen her like this once before. But I know this is worse. They're gonna fix it. I hope."

I nodded and crossed my fingers. "Well I have Kevin for secret Santa so I need to find something great for him."

"You have Kevin? I have Dani!" I laughed and made my way into a few stores.

"Ang!! Dani is gonna love this!"

I nodded. "She definitely is! Buy it right now!" I was still on the hunt for Kevin's gift but Joe wasn't home yet so I knew I still had some time. "What do you get a rockstar that has everything?"
Kat looked at me. "Something he doesn't have." We laughed and then a light bulb went off in my head. "I've got it! Let's go!!!!"
Joe's POV:

"Nick?? It's me and Kev." We slowly walked into Nick's apartment. Everything was a mess and that's not how Nick lives. Kevin and I took separate sides of the apartment to search. "Nick???"

I faintly heard "I'm in here." I motioned for Kevin to follow me and walked into Nick's room. He was in bed, playing his guitar with a bottle of tequila on the night stand and his messages open to Lex's name. I could see that he was constantly texting her with no response back. "Nick. You've gotta get up and get out of here." He turned around, no longer facing us. "No. Please just leave." Kevin pulled the guitar from him. "Come on bro. It's gonna be alright. Let's just... get you a shower and clean up a bit." Nick sighed and sat up. "Please leave guys. We all know the only thing that's gonna make me feel better is talking to Lex and she won't speak to me. Just go." Kevin and I gave each other a look and decided to respect his wishes. We locked his door behind us and got in the car. "Should we try Lex?" Kevin shrugged and put his seatbelt on. "Worth a shot."
We knocked on Lex's door and she answered almost immediately. "Kevin? Joe? Everything okay?"
We looked at each other and then back at Lex. "No. Nick is down bad. Please just speak to him. He's really struggling." She moved so that we could come in. Her place was in perfect condition. She didn't seem like she was struggling at all. "You guys hungry? Or thirsty? I can order us some food." We nodded and she called the pizzeria. She hung up and looked at us. "Guys, I appreciate you trying to help us but Nick did what he did and now we're here." I spoke up. "Nothing happened, Lex." She folded her arms. "Whether it did or not, he couldn't tell me that's where he was going. That's what hurts. That he didn't think I should know." She seems fine. Somethings going on. "Lex, why are you so okay?" She looked at me as if I had broken some spell on her and started crying. "I'm not, Joe. I'm really hurt. But what good is crying gonna do?" Kevin hugged her tight and handed her a tissue. "Talk to him Lex. Christmas is coming up. You don't want to spend it without each other." Kevin nodded in agreement. "He really misses you." She wiped her tears. "I'll think about it. The pizzas here."
Nick's POV:
I wish I could just speak to her. Just one conversation to explain. Olivia set me up and I thought I could handle it on my own without Lex knowing. She told me that she wanted to have a business dinner about me being a presenter again for another Miss Universe pageant. When we got there I noticed that there was paparazzi taking photos of us. I'd look like a cheater to the media if Olivia leaked the photos like she threatened to. She wants more fame and when I told her about Lex, she was furious that her plan wasn't going to work. Lex and I haven't even spoken about going super public with our relationship. I should have just told her the truth. I just thought I could do this without hurting her and I did the exact opposite. I sighed and rubbed my head. Life without Lex is awful.
Frankie's POV:
I was on my phone scrolling through social media when I saw a text from Joe that he was with Kevin and Lex. He wanted me to check on Nick since they couldn't get through to him but what was I gonna do? I called Nick and he answered right away. "Hello?" He sounded so sad. I cleared my throat. "Hey Nick how are you feeling?" I could hear Nick sigh through the phone as he told me what happened with Olivia. I decided to try and get him out of the house. It sounds like he could use some fresh air. "Wanna come with me tomorrow to shop for Joe? I'm his secret Santa." By the silence, I could tell he didn't want to go but I waited in hopes that he'd at least try. "Yeah, I'll come with you. Have you heard anything from Lex? Or about Lex? Is she okay?" I could hear the worry in his voice. "Joe and Kev are over there now." "Oh. So she's seeing people. Just not me." I sighed sadly. "I'm sorry, Nick. Maybe she just needs some time." "Yeah... I'll see you tomorrow Frankie."
This is bad. I've never heard Nick so upset.
Nick's POV:
She's gotta answer. She just has to. I've gotta fix this.
The phone rang for what felt like forever.

"Olivia. We've gotta talk."

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