Goosebumps | Chapter 35

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Nick's POV:
I sat up and pulled Lex into my lap. "Come here." I rubbed gentle circles on her temple and kissed her head. "What will make you feel better?" I would do anything ease any uncomfort she had. "I don't really know. I wish I did." I picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. I placed her on the counter and ran the water in the tub. "Nick, what are you doing? You're tired. We can just go to sleep." I added bubble bath to the water and stripped both of us. "Me being tired is not more important than you not feeling well. Besides, this will hopefully relax us and then we can both go to sleep." I got in and sat against the wall, pulling her into my lap. "It's so warm. Thank you." I held her hand as she sat in my lap and leaned back. "Did you have a good time with the girls?" She nodded and looked up at me. "It was nice. I missed them." Her hands moved through the bubbles, popping the large ones. "Still feel nauseous?" She nodded and frowned. "I do. I'm sorry it's ruined the night." I turned her around to face me. "I get to spend my night with you. It's ruined nothing." She smiled and grabbed my hands. "Can I have a kiss?" I grabbed her face and kissed her softly. "You can always have a kiss." We stayed in the bath about another hour until our skin started to wrinkle. I wrapped a towel around both of us and headed for the bed. The silk robe she slid on shaped her figure perfectly. Her presence alone left me damn near breathless. "I feel a little better now." Her smile brightened the room and made me pull her into a tight hug. "Good. I'm glad. Can I get you anything else to make it 100% better?" She looked up gestured to the bed. "Maybe just have a moment to us." The cold sheets created the perfect combo with her warm skin on mine. The room was quiet and she sat in my lap facing me, her eyes locked with mine. Both of us exploring each others faces without moving. The quiet moments like these make me hope Lex and I remain on the same page when it comes to the future because not being able to this every day would absolutely break me at this point. My lips broke the silence in the room. "Can I ask you something?" She nodded and looked at me. "Are you feeling okay about us?" She wrapped her arms around my neck. "I'm feeling amazing about us. Why do you ask?" I slid my hands to her thighs. "We had a rough start. It seemed like problem after problem. I was just wondering where your head is at." The silence filled the air once again but this time it almost felt suffocating. "You're the one that I want to marry one day." Her silk fingers slid to my hair, melting my skin and making it hard to focus. "Every couple has issues. We had to get in the flow of things. Nothing about how we started was normal." Her words hung around the air like picture frames. She's right. We are far from the average couple. I hope that it doesn't scare her away. I couldn't help but stare at her natural glow she has recently. "Do you think that we'd be good parents together?" Her body froze. I felt the goosebumps on her skin form underneath my hands. I'd be lying if I said my body didn't match hers after. Parents? Why did I say that? I've definitely scared her. I could feel her fidget in my lap. It just... came out. Her glow hypnotized me and suddenly her being a mother was all I could picture.

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