Coffee & Danishes | Chapter 32

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Lex's POV:
"Baby!!! I'm home! Where are you?" I hid in the curtains and waited for Nick to find me. "Lex!!" I tried to stay as still as possible. I could hear Nick turning the doorknob to our room. I stopped breathing in hopes he wouldn't find me. "Babe??? Why do our curtains have white toes all of a sudden?" I poked my head out and sighed. "You never let me win." He laughed and kissed my cheek. "You're terrible at hiding." I rolled my eyes and sat on the bed. "What are you doing? Why are you sitting down? I told you I had something for you! Let's go!!"
He dragged me down the stairs, and covered my eyes. "Nick. What is going on?!" He moved his hands and on the counter were two plane tickets, matching hoodies and a bouquet of white roses. I looked closely at the tickets. "Texas? We're going to Texas?" He nodded and smiled. "Ray got me in touch with your dad's family. I know you haven't seen them in a few years so I contacted him and asked him if we could come visit." Tears started to form as I jumped on Nick and squeezed him tight. "You're so sweet. Thank you. I love you so much." He kissed me and lifted me onto the counter. "I love you more. You're giving up a lot of free time for me soon so I want to spend time with your family before we go." I slid his shirt off and kissed his chest. "How was your night?" "It was alright. I missed you but it was nice seeing my brothers." I grabbed his hands. "How was seeing Joe?" He looked down. "It went better than I thought. We had a small talk. He's really sorry." "He loves you, Nick. You're his best friend. He got a little side tracked. I think you should forgive him fully. Maybe hang out with him before we go to Texas in a few days." Nick sighed and wrapped his arms around me. "You're right. I'll text him now." I hopped off the counter and walked over to the couch. "You know, I really really missed you today." He looked up from his phone and saw that my clothes were on the floor. It took him no time to drop everything and join me on the couch. His eyes wandered up and down my body. "Tell me about the rest of your day." He shook his head. "Lex, I'm having a hard time focusing right now. I can't hold a conversation."
Joe's POV:
Nick asked me to hang out with him today and I'm not sure how it'll go. But I said yes because we're brothers and about to go on tour together for months. I'd really like to repair this. I threw on my leather jacket and met him at a local coffee shop. "Hey bro." Nick turned around and pulled me in for a hug. "Hey what's going on?" He slid me a coffee and danish and took a sip of his. "I wanted to just talk and hopefully go back to normal." I took a bite of the danish and nodded. "I'd like that." He cleared his throat. "How are you feeling about everything?" I took a minute to answer. "I feel alright. I should have just come to you and Lex about everything but I didn't and now we're here." "Well, I know that nothing is going on between you guys so I just wanna move forward and let the tension go." I smiled. "Good. Because I miss you man." I knew I was about to make the situation uncomfortable again but the show must go on. "Can Lex stay my stylist?" Nick almost choked on his danish. I guess he wasn't expecting that question. "Uhm... I would have to ask her. She will let you know." I nodded my head and took a long sip of coffee. "Wanna get everyone together tonight? Angela is coming home as we speak." Nick smiled and finished his latte. "I don't think Lex is doing anything. That sounds like a good idea. Do you guys want to come to our place?" I texted everyone and told them to meet at Nick and Lex's place in a few hours. "I'll see you later then?" Nick got up and hugged me again. It felt nice to have my brother back.
Nick's POV:
"Babe! The group is coming over tonight!" Lex came down the stairs wrapped in only a towel. "I think I can still cancel. Come here." She laughed and kissed me softly. "It'll be nice to see everyone. I'm gonna go put some clothes on." I grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Are you sure? Because I really like what you have on. I can just tell them you're not feeling well." She smirked and walked back up to our room. "Order some dinner. Distract yourself please." An hour and a half later everyone was here and so was the food. "Can we talk for a minute before we settle into hanging out?" Lex nodded and we headed out onto the patio. "Whats up?" She took a bite of her taco. I laughed and wiped the sour cream from the corner of her mouth. "Joe wants you to stay his stylist." She stopped in her tracks and looked around. "What do you want me to do?" I kissed her cheek "I think you should do it. We are stronger than ever." She smiled and wrapped her free arm around me. "And that way, you're stuck with me for the entire tour because you have to pick out Joe's clothes." She rolled her eyes and walked back towards the house. "Of course you found a loophole." I laughed and kissed the back of her neck. "One more thing." "Is everything okay?" I slid my hand to her face. "My parents want to have dinner with us tomorrow night. Is that okay?" She finished her taco and kissed me. "It's always okay. I can't wait!"
Kevin's POV:
"I'm so full. I don't think I can eat another taco."

"Kev, you wanna split this slice of chocolate cake with me?"

"Yeah, Lex. Absolutely. Give me a fork." She laughed and sat next to me, handing me the fork. We both took a bite of cake. "How are things with Nick?" She chewed for a second and then smiled at me. "Things are good. He's finally okay with Joe again so I'm glad. I'd hate to come in between them." I nodded. "Nick has never talked this way about a girl. It's probably why things get so complicated. He's never experienced this before. But you're really important to all of us. You were around since the beginning and then when we reconnected, I honestly thought Nick would never say anything. He mentioned to me that he wished he would've talked to you more. I'm glad he finally stepped up. You two balance each other out." She leaned her head on my shoulder. "Thanks, Kevin. I'm glad he stepped up too. I was so ready to live out the rest of my 20s until he made me realize that I can still do that. But with him next to me." "He really loves you, Lex." She got up, grabbing our empty plate. "Good. Because I really love him."
We joined the rest of the group in the living room. Everyone was laughing and enjoying each other's company when there was a knock at the door. I must've been the only one that heard it. A tall guy stood in front of me when I opened it.

"Hi, Can I help you?"

"Is Lex here? I've been calling her."

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