Joe ❤️'s Vegas| Chapter 25

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Lex's POV:
"This is perfect! I love the red!" Joe started jumping up and down.
"Sit still! I'm not done!" I weighed my options for his shoes and handed them to him. "Go! You're done!" I laughed. Dressing Joe is not for the weak. I have to make sure he looks hot out there. I started cleaning up the failed attempts at outfits when I heard a knock behind me. "Got a minute?" I turned around to see Nick in the doorway with his arms folded. "Of course. What's up?" He looks down and sighs. "I never see you anymore. It's been a month since you've been Joe's stylist and we haven't been on a date since." I held his hands. "Do you want me to quit?" He shook his head. "No. Joe's never looked better. I just ... miss you. I mean it's our Vegas Residency and I thought being in a new location we'd go on dates and enjoy each others company. But you've spent the whole time with Joe." I kissed his cheek. "How about we hang out tonight? Me and you. After the show." He kissed my forehead. "Yes please."
The boys ran off the stage and Joe headed for me. "Wanna hang out?" I handed him comfortable clothes and shook my head. "I'm spending time with your brother." He hung his head. "But I wanted to hang out with you." I laughed at him and turned around so he could change. "Joe. We see each other every day." "That's work!" I put my hands up in truce. "Nick asked me for more time. I am dating him you know. Angela's with her mom in London for the next 2 months. I'm sure you'd be with her and forget about me if she was here." He hugged me from behind. "I can't forget about my best friend. Enjoy your date." He walked out of the room and I instantly felt bad. I walked into Nick's dressing room and came up behind him, covering his eyes with my hands. "Guess who!" He pretended to think. "Joe! No. Kevin. No no. Lex. Final answer." He turned around and slid his hands into my back pockets. "I've been waiting for this all night." I rested my hands on his biceps and smiled. "I'm sorry it took us so long. I think Joe is just bummed because Angela won't be here for the next 2 months. He's lonely." Nick nodded. "I understand being lonely. When you're with him, that's how I feel." I slid one arm to his shoulder and laughed. "We sleep together. I don't think it's the same." He picked me up and carried me bridal style. "I can show you how much I missed you. Let's go. Our hotel is waiting for us."
"Lex your phone is blowing up. Who is it?" I checked my phone. "It's Joe." Nick rolled his eyes. "I can't have one night with you." I rubbed my temples. "Why do we keep having this argument? I asked you if you wanted me to quit." He sat down. "It doesn't matter. He's still gonna talk to you." I threw my hands up and sighed. "We're friends! We're gonna speak." He shook his head. "Why don't you just go stay with Joe since he needs your attention so bad?" I grabbed my purse walked out of the room. "No problem. That sounds like a way better idea than staying here."
He followed me. "What? What are you doing?" "Getting as far away as possible from this situation, Nick. I'm not doing this. I asked your opinion. You gave it and here we are. Have a good night." I left and headed for Joe's room. I could hear Nick punch the door from the other side.
I knocked softly.

"Got any room for me?"

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