We're Just Getting Started | Chapter 2

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"JOE!!! YOU'RE HERE!" I said pulling him into a big hug while feeling my feet leave the ground momentarily. "The girls should be here soon. Let me take your bag. " I grabbed Joe's bag out of his hand and placed it in the corner. We usually all stay the night when we have a holiday so we all came prepared.

I heard two car doors close and knew it had to be my girls. Kat and Angela. It wouldn't be a party without them.

"Lex! We're here! And we brought tequila!!" Kat said, lugging in her and Ang's duffle bags while Angela struggled behind her with a giant pan of chicken wings and a pumpkin pie. I quickly helped Angela with the food as Kat put the Tequila on the counter, walking over and hugging Joe. Angela followed behind with her arms open ready to hug Joe next. He gave them his biggest smile while pouring some tequila into a cup of cranberry juice.

More and more guests started piling through the door and suddenly everyone was here except for Nick.

"ARE WE SETTING THE TEAMS FOR THE GAMES BEFORE OR AFTER DINNER?!?!" Kevin said as he hugged all of us cheerfully. No one ever wants to play games as much as us 3 and the brothers so we always turn it into a friendly competition.

Before I could even respond, Joe was setting up the various games everyone brought in the living room with Kevin right behind him. Ray ran down the stairs excitedly greeting his friends but ultimately turning on football for him and my grandpa. Frankie of course brought his score board and placed it on the table so that he could keep track for us. Danielle decided to help Aunt Colleen and Mama Jonas with the rest of the food. Alena and Valentina were running around with Rays kids and my uncle and papa Jonas were in the basement playing guitar. Only one Jonas left. My nerves weren't as bad anymore but somehow I still found my fingers wrapped in my curls.

"Are you alright love?" Angela asked as she knows this is my nervous habit. I smiled at her and put my hand down.

"All good. Just thinking about the seating arrangement. Grandpa really switched things up this year. I'm used to having someone I am close with sit next to me"

"It's gonna be okay. If it makes you feel better, Kat is next to grandpa and you know he loves telling stories about his old football days"

I laughed and nodded. She is right. I am at least next to someone whose music I enjoy. I mean I've definitely sung Jealous in the shower before. Please don't tell Nick.

We're grown adults. I can do this. I crack my knuckles and get ready to sit down when I hear a knock at the door that no one else seems to hear. I change my direction and head for the door. Nick is the only one left so I know exactly who is going to be standing in front of me in a few seconds. I opened the door expecting to not make much conversation.

"Lex. It's so good to see you! You look great tonight!" Nick said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

Did he just compliment me? Is he feeling okay? Should I be worried? Maybe he needs a nap. I get crazy when I'm tired. Maybe he is the same way.

"Hi Nick! Its really good to see you too. I love your haircut." It wasn't a lie. He had the sides shaved with the top a little longer and it really suited his face. What the hell am I saying? Nick and I don't ever talk like this. I moved out of the way and let him in the house.

Nick smiled as he walked past me but turned back to make sure I was following him.

"We're matching, did you see my outfit before you got ready today?" Nick asked laughing. I looked down at my outfit compared to his and sure enough. Blue jeans and a black shirt. I grabbed his duffle bag from his hand and put it in the corner with everyone else's while smiling at him. "Nah. I called your stylist and made sure the only thing you could possibly wear today was this."

Was that your idea of flirting?? Literally get it together. You don't even like him like that. Why are you trying to flirt?

"Nick! You're on a team with Ang and Lex. My team is Kev and Joe!" Kat yelled across the room then eyed me because she could tell I was spiraling mentally. He nodded and hugged everyone before returning to my side for the festivities to begin.

"UNO!!!!!" Angela screamed as the minutes passed. "UNO OUT!! One point for our team!" If anyone of us would have won, it would be a point for us. We were off to a good start but the next game, I am for sure gonna lose. Twister. Joe loves to play twister because he knows I suck at it. He was already setting it up before I could even protest.

"Let me get my heels off or I'm gonna be no good!"

"Lex you're not good at it regardless." Kevin whispered. I glared and placed my finger gun at him. He raised his hands in defense and chuckled.

As time flew by I was now stuck with Joe Underneath me, Kat to the right of me and Nick was about to enter the game. He better hurry up. I can't stay like this much longer. "Right hand on Yellow Nick" Frankie called out. There's a free yellow space by Kat. Perfect. Maybe he will distract her and we can win.

"Is this spot taken?" Nick smiles as he slides his right arm through my two hands that were placed on green and blue. I shake my head no and smile back.

He had so many choices. What is going on?? Nick seems different this year. More friendly. It's refreshing to see him in a good mood but weird.

About 10 minutes later, our winning streak was broken. "Right leg on blue Kevin" he slid through Kat and I, causing me to fall and lose the game for us. "Sorry guys. We all know I am terrible at twister." Everyone laughed but mutually agreed.

Frankie adjusted his score board and we paused the games to have our Thanksgiving meal. We eat at 2pm on Thanksgiving so that if we want seconds, it's actually during dinner time.

I was helping bring all the food into the dining room when I heard the guys talking about the new seating arrangements.

"The seats are different this year. For once, I get to sit next to the prettiest girl here."

Who said that? It couldn't have been Nick right?

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