Touchdown | Chapter 11

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It was the last day at the cabin. The rest of the week had gone smoothly. Everyone was packing up their things and getting ready to head home.

"Hey man, when we get home can you come with me to get a few things?"

Joe turned around to see Nick who hasn't spoken much to him since their argument. "Yeah. Sure." He loaded the rest of his car and headed to Nick's apartment after taking Angela home. He walked up the stairs and knocked on his door. Nick ran to open it, inviting his brother in. They sat on the couch with an awkward tension inviting itself into the room. Nick spoke up. "I'm sorry I lashed out on you. My feelings were all mixed up and I thought you and Lex were a thing."

"Nick, I can visibly see how into her you are. I would never do that to you. I'm really happy with Angela and just wanted to get her something she'd love. I knew Lex would be able to tell me."

"About that... that's why I invited you over."

"What do you mean?"

"You've been close to Lex for longer than I have. I need your help with a Christmas gift. I'm her secret Santa."

Joe laughed and hugged his brother. "Of course you are. We better get shopping."


Joe's POV:
I love seeing Nick so happy. My best friend dating my other best friend. They fit so well together.

"I told Lex I'm falling in love with her. But she didn't hear me because she was asleep." Well that broke me out of my thoughts. "You?? Falling in love???" Nick punched me in the shoulder as we walked through various shops. "She's different, Joe. And don't think I don't see the way you look at Angela." I fidgeted with the rings on my hand. "She's amazing. Look at us. Both finding our people." We were cut off by my phone ringing. Lex. Well that's terrible timing. "Hey Lex, what's up? I'm currently a little busy... buying pants. Tours coming up. Ha..ha" Nick mouthed "smooth" and walked past me. I caught up with Nick and nudged him. "I'm hanging out with Lex tonight. After this." He looked at me. "Why?" I shrugged. "Don't know. Something about a gift for Angela." I lied. She has something for Nick that she needs help with and I'll be damned if i ruin the surprise. We walked around for another 2 hours. Buying clothes and shoes for ourselves before Nick stopped in his tracks. "Dude. This is perfect for Lex. I'm buying it."


It was later in the afternoon and I headed to Lex's apartment. Luckily her and Nick only live about 25 minutes from each other. I pulled into her driveway and she met me outside.
"You're driving. Let's go to the diner." She got in and put her seatbelt on. I laughed at her "Hi Lex. My day was great, Thank you for asking." She side hugged me and we headed down the road. We can't plan something for Nick on an empty stomach right?

"Are we splitting the disco fries or are you gonna make me feel fat, Joseph?" I looked at the waitress and ordered one order of disco fries and two cheeseburgers. Lex laughed and I was able to see how genuinely happy she was. Happy looks so good on her. "You look so happy." She took a sip of her lemonade. "You can thank your brother for that." Here goes nothing. "Can you see yourself falling in love with him?" She covered her face with her hands. "I feel like I am. But I don't want to say anything. I don't wanna push Nick away. He's different, Joe." Where did I hear that before? These two are disgusting. I love them. I reached across the table and placed my hand on her arm. "Trust me. If anyone can get Nick to feel real love, it's you. What did you need my help with?"

She danced in her seat. "You know how Nick loves sports?" I nodded. "Yeah??" She squealed. "Well he took me on such a great date so I wanted to return the favor. I got him tickets to the Giants vs the Cowboys next weekend. I need help with getting him to the game. I need you to tell him you got tickets for you two and then I'll be there waiting for him." I nodded. "So... I don't get to watch the game?" She laughed. "Angela has your tickets." "You think of everything, huh?" She ate a fry and nodded. "It's who I am."

The rest of the night consisted of Lex and I talking about our current relationships and our plans for the upcoming year. She promised to show up to the show on her and my birthday since they're 3 days apart. Angela's coming too. This next year is gonna be the best one yet. We're finally all happy.


I dropped Lex off and called Nick.
"Hey bro! How was your time with Lex?"

"Hey! It was good! She had a lot of good gift ideas for Angela that she wanted to show me."

"Nice. Why did you call me?"

"Guess what I just purchased dude!"


"I just got tickets to the Giants vs Cowboys game. Wanna go with me next weekend?"

"Seriously?! I'm so down!"

"Awesome!! I'll see you then!"

I hung up on Nick and drove home, smiling.

My best friends love each other.

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