Long, Long New York Nights | Chapter 6

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I'm gonna start with the fact that the girls below are not me and my friends but for the sake of this story, they are. I don't know them. 😂 ok! Onto the chapter.

Lex woke up at 6am to a text from Nick expressing how excited he was to see her after so long. She replied stating that she felt the same way, but she couldn't help but feel sad. They haven't seen each other since Thanksgiving and it's now December 8th. Angela's birthday is December 11th so Lex invited everyone over to the cabin her mom left to her for the week. The cabin was about an hour away in New York. She got in the shower making sure her curls were perfect for her reunion with her friends and the boys plus Dani of course, threw on her Nike's, and started her drive. She told everyone to meet at the house by 2pm but knew they'd all be early. She texted her girls a selfie and blasted "Cake by the Ocean" to get her pumped. She pulled up the driveway and opened her phone to see that the girls answered her back.

She had a small conversation with them and walked into the house, excited for the events that would transpire during this next week

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She had a small conversation with them and walked into the house, excited for the events that would transpire during this next week.

Joe and Angela were the first ones to arrive. They greeted Lex with a hug and Joe headed for the bar to start mixing some signature drinks. Angela and Lex took this opportunity to gossip.
"How was the drive up with the Joe Jonas?"

"Girl. He's so sweet. And so hot. What else could I ask for? He bought me breakfast and let me play my music on the way here. I think I'm in love." She giggled. "What about you? How are things with Nick?"

"They're... the same? He hasn't made a move. We haven't kissed or anything. He was so sweet on Thanksgiving and we talk every day but we haven't progressed." Lex shrugged.

Angela grinned mischievously. "We're getting you a kiss this week. Guaranteed." Joe returned to the girls with two drinks in his hand. "What are we talking about ladies?"

Angela sipped her drink and turned to him. "The fact that your brother is moving real slow when it comes to asking Lex out." Lex nearly choked on her drink. "Guys. It's not that big of a deal. Nick is a busy guy. And I'm... on a self love journey. Maybe it's not our time."

Joe and Angela started laughing before Joe spoke up. "That man has it bad for you. We may just have to scare him a little bit."

"Absolutely not Joseph. No tricks. Let Nick do his thing. If he really likes me, he will show me." Lex said as she opened the drawer for the pizza menus.


An hour later, everyone had arrived at the cabin and Dani was helping Lex bring the pizza into the house. "Thanks Dani! I'm glad you're here. We don't get to hang much!"

"Of course! I'm so excited to spend the week with you guys! I need more girl friends." She smiled.

The group all rushed to the counter to grab their slices and met back in the living room. Lex sat next to Nick in hopes that it would remind him of their Thanksgiving interaction. He smiled and slid closer to her.

Nick's POV:

God she's so beautiful. I missed her so much but I haven't been able to see her because of all of the tour preparations. I hope she isn't upset at me.

"You look stunning." I whispered into Lex's ear. Her cheeks grew pink and she looked up at me smiling.

"Thank you Nick. You don't look so bad yourself."

Joe approached Lex and I with a smile. "Can I steal you for a few minutes? Just us?" Lex nodded and they walked out onto the front porch.

What could he possibly need her alone for?

Lex's POV:

I leaned over the railing, looking out at the lake before facing him. "What did you wanna talk about Joe? Is everything okay?"

"I got Angela a small gift for her birthday. I wanted your opinion." He pulled a box out of his jacket pocket and handed it to me.

I opened the box to reveal a dainty little bracelet with Ang's name on it. I smiled wide and looked up at him.

"I know that you know her better than anyone. Do you think she will like it?" He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"She will love it. It is beautiful, Joe." I hugged him tight.

"You're my best friend, Lex. I just wanna see you as happy as I am." I knew he was referring to Nick but I didn't press the issue. He smiled, his curls slightly covering his eyes. "Thank you for everything. Without you, I wouldn't have Ang. And I'd be hungry."

I chuckled and gave him another hug, seeing Nick stare at us for a split second before he disappeared.

Why was he staring at us? Is something going on?

"Guys! We're gonna start a movie, are you joining us?" Kevin asked as we pulled apart and I handed the bracelet back to Joe.

We nodded and walked back into the house, everyone in the room except Nick.

Maybe he's in the bathroom or something.

I ran upstairs to change into my biker shorts and t-shirt.

Nick's POV:

"I'll be right back guys. I just have to change" I heard Lex say as she ran up the stairs.

I had went to the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face. I was fuming. I need to know what happened between her and my brother. Why was she secretly into him instead? That moment looked so intimate.

I stormed up to Lex's room, knocking angrily. She opened the door confused and I pushed myself past her, hearing her close it.

"Nick?? What's wrong? Are you alright?"

"Am I alright??? No Lex. I'm not alright."

"What happened?"

"Why are you messing with my head? You're secretly dating Joe and playing me and Angela in the meantime. For what?!"

Lex approached me slowly. "What??! That's what you think of me?! That I would mess with Joe when he's with my best friend? And I owe you nothing Nick. You didn't even like me until Thanksgiving and you damn sure never made a move during or after." She was mad now.

Could I have read the scene wrong? No. I know what I saw.

"He gave you jewelry, Lex. I just want to know why you couldn't just tell me you were into my brother instead."

"I'M NOT INTO YOUR BROTHER! It was a gift. For Angela. He wanted my approval. Not that you need to know."

My heart sunk. She was upset and I was the cause. I reached for her hand but she backed away.

"Lex, I — I'm sorry." I tried reaching once more, but was rejected again.

"Nick, I dont think this is going to work" She turned around and headed for the door.


I heard the door shut. Or my heart break. I can't tell which one was louder.

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