Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

New Years

I walked hand-in hand with Justin through the mall. We went to Chic-fil-a to eat, then we just walked around.

"Why did you want to come here with me all of a sudden?" I asked him, referring to when he asked me to hang out.

"Don't get mad." I nodded. "My mom doesn't like that I'm friends with you because you're pregnant."

Anger rose in me, but I told Justin I wouldn't get mad. How could she think that? I stood in her living room and introduced myself, using my manners. It seems no matter what I do, people constantly criticize me. They either think I'm dumb, or I'm a slut. I'll never be seen the same way again.

Justin brought his hand up and wiped my cheeks. I then realized I was crying when he pulled his hand away, wet from my tears. Although I know I'm crying, the tears continue to flow.

"Please don't cry." Justin pleaded. "I didn't want to make you cry. I'm sorry, I wish I hadn't said anything."

"No, it's not completely what you said. I thought about what people think of me. They either think I'm a slut, or dumb, maybe even Bothe."

Justin pulled me into a hug, letting me cry into hid chest. He made comforting circles on my back, trying to sooth me.

"Shh, shh, no one thinks that."

"That guy at the rink and your mom does."

"Okay, let's change the subject. Uh.... Tell me what you're doing for New Years.."

I tried to calm myself so he could understand me better.

"I hadn't really thought about it." I managed.

"Okay, how about we hang out? We can go to that yearly party at Sadie's Bar & Grub. It'll be fun."

I looked up at him and smiled. "That could be fun. I'm in if my parents will let me go."

"Then it's a date."

Marco's P.O.V*

My heart thudded in my chest and my blood ran cold. This can't be happening. Two girls are having kids by me. I just kept getting myself into things.

"Are you sure?" I muttered.

"I took two pregnancy tests and they both came up positive."

"Shit! This can't be happening. I already have two on the way. I don't need another."

"Wait, two other girls are pregnant by you?"

"No. The girl I love is having my twins. But, anyway, go to the doctors to be confirmed."

Before she could say anything, I clicked the end button and looked back to see Bailey crying into Justin's chest. What had happened? My gang was gone off into another store. I crept closer to Bailey and Justin, trying to hear their conversation.

"Okay, let's change the subject." Justin said. "What are you doing for New Years?" He asked.

Bailey gave a few last sniffles before answering him.

"I hadn't really thought about it." She told him.

"Okay, how about we hang out? We can go to the yearly party at Sadie's Bar & Grub." She looked up at him and smiled. "That could be fun. I'm in if my parents will let me go."

I groaned. That could be me and her if I wasn't acting like a dumbass. But I'm sticking with my plan of being normal.

"Marco!" I heard Dustin call.

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