Chapter 1 Home Sweet Hell

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I only own my oc and the plot, everything else belongs to the original owners.

This story starts just after episode 13 in season 3 of The Vampire Diaries

Chapter 1- Home Sweet Hell

The phrase 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' was the first thing that popped into Roxanne's mind as she drove over the borderline back into town for the first time in two years. What would her friends say when they saw her? What about her siblings and aunt? What would they say when they saw her? How would they act? God she hoped they didn't do the whole dramatic slap and storm off action. It's not as if she just upped and disappeared suddenly, no she told them that she was leaving, just not how long she'd be gone for, or why she was leaving or even when she'd come back because the truth is two years ago she had none of the answers to those questions.

Roxanne couldn't help but panic, maybe returning was a mistake, maybe she should turn around before it's too late, before someone recognised her and word spread of her return then there would be no turning back; however as she imagined the disappointed and hurt expressions her family would no doubt display if they heard that she disappeared again what Roxanne didn't notice as she was so absorbed within her thoughts was the fact that she was pulling up to the Mystic Grill, the place where practically everyone went whenever they had any free time hell a majority of the Mystic Falls population brought their paperwork with them and work on it whilst having a drink and a meal, quite a few teachers would spend a fair amount of time there marking papers but that doesn't stop teenagers from meeting up in groups to socialise, play pool or trying to get served at the bar. But maybe that's just Mystic Falls, it's the clichéd town, everybody knows everyone or at least somebody knows someone who knows someone else, the point is that in a town as small as Mystic Falls nobody really pays attention to what's considered 'normal' teenage behaviour especially not when a small selection of the residents are too busy focused on a larger more important picture.

It was as if Roxanne was on autopilot whilst her head was in the clouds she parked up in front of the Grill, turned the car off and was just about to exist the vehicle before all of her worries crashed down on her full force making her hand pause on the handle, biting her lip she took a deep breath through her nose, steeled her nerves, got out the of car and slowly approached the Grill, great, she managed to overcome the car but now she's got to get past the front door which as it turns out is actually a lot harder than it sounds.

Count to three and then yank the door open before you end up chickening out.

One, two...three

She pulled on the handle too hard causing the door swing open hastily which in turn triggered her to stumble backwards whilst she was still latched onto the door, as Roxanne attempted to regain her footing all the while mentally cursing everything and anything she could possibly think of what Roxanne didn't notice was the once chatty Grill had fallen to a simmer as well as the dozens pairs of eyes that caught her little entrance and were now openly staring in her direction with either interest for that small handful that don't know her, disbelief for those that do indeed both know of her and personally or you have that small group sitting in the far back corner various levels of anger. When Roxanne finally looked up and realised that she was the centre of everyone's attention her eyes immediately snapped to that far corner and met the furious expression of her sister. Welcome home, Roxanne.

Elijah stood in front of the window staring at nothing in particular with the same emotionless mask he was infamous for, with his hands buried in the pants pockets of the dark grey Armani suit he was currently wearing. He was currently thinking about everything that had happened in Mystic Falls since the arrival of himself and his siblings however he wasn't thinking about the major situations such as the doppelgänger existing or the sacrifice but more about the little things that don't quite fit the puzzle with the information that he had whether it was peoples actions or the looks and whispers that were too low for even an originals hearing especially between the doppelganger and her friends whenever the Salvatore's weren't around, not to mention that look of sadness in both the Gilbert's eyes that's almost always present. Elijah couldn't help but feel as though he was missing something of major importance and that things were only just beginning.

Elijah was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't realise that he was no longer the only one in the room. His brother was leaning against the door frame, with his arms crossed, smirking at how oblivious his older brother was acting. Slandering over until he was just slightly behind Elijah's right side, Klaus was stood in the prefect position that if he wanted to he could rest his arm on his brother's shoulder, which is exactly what he did in order to gain his brother's attention.

The sudden weight added to his shoulders startled Elijah, not that he'd show on the outside but he was slightly embarrassed at having been caught unguarded especially when he glanced to his right and saw none other than Niklaus, who was currently sporting his infamous smirk like the cat caught the canary at having caught Elijah's little slip of expression.

"Do tell me what you we're thinking about so hard that it stopped you from noticing my presence?

"What do you want, Niklaus?" Elijah sighed, mentally preparing himself for whatever was about to come out of Klaus mouth next, even before Klaus had the chance to open his mouth to retort.

Klaus, either unfazed or oblivious to his brothers' reluctance to interact with him, continued to grin. "Aw don't be like that 'Lijah. Our family has finally been reunited, let's go out and have a drink to celebrate?"

"Ah yes, you mean the family that loathes you because you daggered us all at one point or another?" Apparently sarcasm was not lost on the noble original in this century.

"All the more reason to celebrate, the threat to our family is dead, we're all together once again and mother is alive. So come for a drink with your brother."

Whilst Elijah hesitated, weighing the odds of his decision, it seemed that his other siblings overheard their conversation and decided to join Klaus and help persuade Elijah to go to the Mystic Grill.

"Well I, for one, am I dire need of a good drink" Rebekah decided to add in her opinion on the situation, "That and I'm hoping that we run into that god awful doppelgänger" she added the last part with venom, remembering how the brunette girl pretended to be her friend only to stab her in the back, literally.

"Well I have yet to meet this latest doppelgänger so I think I'll join you, that and I believe that our brother here owes me a drink for sticking a dagger in my heart" Kol quipped in as he slandered over to the sofa and casually draped himself over the arm looking every bit like a male model. Finn however was his usual quite stoic self, standing next to the open door the rest of the Mikaelson's

took this as an affirmative on joining them for a drink and then looked towards Elijah who sighed once again but none the less began to make his way past his siblings towards the front door.

"Shall we?"

The Mikaelson's were all sat in the booth closest to the bar which was coincidently opposite where the doppelganger and her friends sat whispering to one another whilst glancing over to at them however they were not the only ones' gawking at seeing all of the Mikaelson siblings out drinking together a majority of locals, especially the ones who knew exactly what the Mikaelson's were and the truth about the little town kept flickering the gaze nervously in the originals direction.

This entertained the Mikaelson's to no end especially the hybrid Klaus and the youngest brother Kol who both wore smug smirks as they eyed the room sipping their bourbon, the other three siblings shared an amused look as multiple hushed conversations reached their ears.

They look dangerous

I've heard that they're filthy rich I mean they've literally just had a freaking mansion built, a mansion for goodness sake.

You're telling me that they're a thousand years old- impossible!

However, before anymore conversations could continue the Mystic Grill doors opened, in stepped a tall unknown brunette woman and all conversations seemed to crease all at once, causing the Mikaelson's to all glance at one another in confusion before they all turned their attention towards the brunette, who was beginning to make her way towards the doppelganger and her friends and the Salvatore's who had recently moved from the bar.

What they didn't realise was that the brunette was in fact the eldest Gilbert and that they were about to witness one hell of a reunion.

New story and I am so so so excited to finally be posting this, I've had millions of ideas for an Elijah/OC story since he came on the Vampire Diaries.

This is my first time writing in third person so please tell me what you think of it, this is the first draft- I've yet to edit it. BUt whatcha think? do you like it? Is it a yay or nay?

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