Chapter 25- Winnie The Pooh

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Chapter 25 Winnie the Pooh

It's a short one but better than nothing right. I know this should've been up weeks, no months ago but LIFE. It's currently kicking me while I'm already down- emotionally that is. Hell, it's kicking everyone.

I'll admit that with everything going on in the world right now, a part of me really didn't want to write and I've also been busy figuring out what to do with my life- after spending three years at university doing English... I've done a complete 180 and started studying to be a nurse.

Also, my little sister is currently 21 and pregnant. She's spent her entire pregnancy living by herself, self-isolating. So, we've been helping her as much as we could considering the fact that we couldn't actually see her. The doctors are already worried, especially about the size of the baby. He is severely small- honestly when you look at her, she looks about 5 or so months gone, not 9- her due date is Wednesday. (bearing in mind that she's like a size 8 or smaller)

Because she's about to be induced, the baby is in the right position- he's ready to come out but she's currently only 2 centimetres so, now it's a waiting game. I've been busy setting up the guest room and moving shit around for make space for all the baby stuff. There's no way we can send her but to her flat by herself with a new-born.

Basically, to sum it up...

Fuck you Corona!

BLM!! Black Lives Definitely Matter!!!

And I'm about to become an aunt.

I hope everyone is staying safe and being considerate for others.

But anyway, I'm sure none of you wanted to read all of that.

To avoid being an arsehole with my updates- I'm determined to update regularly and finish these stories. I've decided to do an update schedule. Fingers crossed I'll have- hopefully, a chapter- if not then you'll get something posted every:

Tuesday and Thursday

That doesn't mean that they'll all be for this story, it could be a chapter for Insanity or hell I could post an entirely new story.

Now onto the chapter you've all been waiting for...


"Miss Roxanne" Finn allowed Sage to help him off of the ground from where the eldest Gilbert had pushed him. His concern was obvious as he made sure to keep a weary eye on the trio of youngsters. They might have been able to catch him off guard once but that would never happen again.

His words caused time to unfreeze. The realisation of what had occurred caught up with all parties involved and snapped them back into action.

Roxy looked at the stake currently sticking out of her shoulder, just below the collarbone, and back to the vampire holding the crossbow "You shot me!" she looked over at Nate, who had left Sage with Finn and making his way over to her and exclaimed in disbelief "That piece of shit shot me!"

Unable to resist, Kol interjected, giving her a cheeky grin "Technically you jumped in the way"

"There's no 'technically' about it, Kol. That bastard shot me" she looked back at Nate and pointed back at her wound as if to say 'look at what he did to me'

"I can see that. At least it sobered you up a little" despite the warlock's concern for his friend, he couldn't stop the amused twitch of his lips at Roxanne's reaction "Let me see it"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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