Chapter 19- Little Revelations

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Chapter 19- Little Revelations

~8~ Scene break, change or change in POV


I suck I know. Honestly, I have the attention span of a fish but I promise I'll make it up to you with an early chapter next time. Anyway on with the story. Not edited.

Warning: Mention of blood, death, torture, swearing etc.

"Hey Jere-bear... what'd I miss?" The oldest Gilbert grinned

Roxanne's grin quickly turned into a grimace as she staggered forward, suddenly losing her strength. Elijah snapped out of his shock first and flashed over to the recently resurrected female Gilbert, catching her before she could crash to the ground.

"Hey suit and tie" She smiled weakly, clutching onto his arm and shoulder "Nice catch" Roxanne gently tapped him to signal that she wanted him to let go however, just as the Original loosened his grip; Roxanne's knees buckled again

"You shouldn't be up yet. You're still too weak" Nate scolded the oldest Gilbert as Elijah led her over to rest on the sofa

"I'm fine, achy but fine." She rolled her eyes, trying to hide another grimace as she tried to get comfortable "you're being over dramatic. Quit being such a worry wart"

"Over dramatic?" He scoffs "Roxy, you died!"

"Yeah, having your throat slit tends have that effect" Roxanne sassed then winced at the memory of the pain she now knows from experience that comes with having a blade slice through her neck "That reminds me. Remind me never to die that way again... hurts like a bitch"

When no one spoke for several seconds, Roxy look up from rubbing her neck, only to see the disapproving shocked expressions that stared down at her. In their own words, they let her know that they were clearly not fond of her nonchalant attitude about the situation.

"What? Too soon?"

"Too soon" Nate confirmed with a pointed glare to let her know he most certainly wasn't amused or surprised but that he still didn't appreciate her comment. 

"Are you real?" Jeremy blurted, his voice trembled with hope and disbelief.

Roxanne felt her heart crack at the sight of his tear streaked young face "Yeah Jere-bear. It's me"

"B-but you were... de-dead"

"Oh sweetie. Come here" No sooner had the words left her lips, Jeremy barrelled into her open arms, he clung to the brunette with all that he had and buried his head in her chest, where the sound of her heart beating instantly soothed the boy but it didn't stop his relieved sobs.

"No offence sweetheart but how are you alive right now?" The youngest male Mikaelson asks the question on everyone's mind

The recently resurrected Gilbert grinned impishly "You should know by now. It's gonna take a lot more than three bitches to keep me down"

Nate was the one to respond this time; the shock, disbelief and anger clear in his tone "Three? What the hell do you mean three!"

"Hmm. What can I say... I piss a lot of people off" She shrugged slightly, then tensed at the discomfort it brought


"Since you found me, you obviously know that Seraphina was there?" At Nate's nod she continued, revealing her other two killers "Well let's just say that your creepy genocide obsessed witch of a mother and the cowardly cardboard copy of my sister have just made their way to the top of my hit list"

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