Sneak Peak

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Although is it really considered lying or being late if you read my note yesterday? No? ok yeah, I admit it I'm super late with this next chapter.

I'd love to say it's because I've been super busy (which I have) with graduating, starting a new job, writing and just general adulting but that's not it. For some reason I just can't seem to get it right BUT at this moment in time I'm at the 'fuck it' stage. So, here's a sneak peak and the actual chapter will be up tomorrow guaranteed.

And I also have a surprise for all of you coming soon!

Thank you to everyone who has stuck by me and this story and my shitting updating abilities.

It's also been brought to my attention a couple of times that there's a book on Wattpad that bares a lot of similarities to this. I'm now aware and trying to find the best way to deal with it but thank you to those who went out of their way to tell me!

Anyway let's get onto the sneak peak...

They waited for the perfect moment to interfere. It was hard for her to just watch as, not only her sister but Matt as well, tried their hardest to kill someone. She squeezed Kol's shoulder in comfort; if it was hard for her to watch then she could only guess how hard it was for Kol

It felt like Roxy had been sucker punched in the gut when she recognised the bloodthirsty determined glint in both teenager's eyes. It was a look she knew all too well from her own reflection. Seeing her sister so determined to kill someone both disgusted Roxanne and angered her. Clearly the younger girl paid no attention to what Roxy had said earlier that day. She had never felt more like a failure than in that moment. Finn's startled cry of being hit roused Roxy from her internal pity party and speared her into action.

She shared a look with Kol; communicating the plan, or lack of one, before they both turned their heads around the corner. The second she took in the scene; she knew that Stefan and Elena were merely decoys and just as Matt was about to deliver the fatal blow. While Kol went to deal with the bigger threat of Stefan, who was fighting with Sage; Roxy ran to help Finn. She pushed him out of the way just as Matt went to pull the trigger. Kol had the youngest vampire restrained, which meant he was unable to do anything. Sage locked eyes the younger Mikaelson, who nodded at the weapon. With the stake heading towards her lover, Sage abandoned the fight and quickly knocked it out of the way before returning.

Kol was just about to rip Stefan's head off but the sudden appearance of Nate gave him pause. Seeing an opportunity, the youngest Salvatore threw the youngest Mikaelson into the wall, grabbed his weapon and focused his attention back to the main fight. Knowing that Roxy could handle herself at the moment, Nate helped Sage and Kol. Standing quickly, the brunette knocked the stake out of Matt's hand before he could try again.

In retaliation, Stefan fired hoping to hit his target before their small window closed. Especially when he noticed the presence of Nate and how fast the other two vampires were healing with his magic.

The fighting stopped, everyone looked over to see that the stake fulfilled its purpose and was embedded deep in flesh.

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