Chapter 22- Unimaginable Pleasure

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Chapter 22- Unimaginable Pleasure

HEY BITCHES, BET YOU THOUGHT YOU'D SEEN THE LAST OF ME! *sheepishly scratches head* sorry for taking so long. I SUCK I KNOW!

I think I need a Beta or a story friend that's willing to put up with me. Someone who will kick my arse in gear and help focus me and my writing in order to get updates out, because let's face it, my procrastinating knows no bounds (hence, leaving a 6,000 word story until the night before the deadline. Whoops)

Any volunteers? I need friends. Hm... actually I need a drill sergeant :D

Also, I shall be responding to each and every review/comment. I haven't been ignoring you honestly, I'm just the type that either forgets to reply for hours, days, months or years... or I'll type out a response and forget to send it (but I'll believe that I have- yeah that's actually happened more than once) sometimes I'll just get distracted and forget completely. This is why I need someone who isn't afraid to triple text HA! Honestly though, anyone fancy keeping me on the straight and narrow? Someone I can bitch to, bounce ideas off?

I appreciate everyone who's suck with this story. I LOVE YOU ALL!!

I've rewritten this chapter so many times and I just wasn't happy with it at all. Originally this was the beginning of the next chapter but since I'm still not happy with that one, I decided to break it up and finally give you all another update.

10,000 words in and I'm still iffy about it. I'm planning on having the next part up before the end of next week (hopefully it will be up in a day or two but I'm not sure)

I know I promised to update forever ago but I've been really hectic, with starting my final year and I've been editing a couple of my manuscripts to send off to a few publishers and then I've had to mess around with getting the extension on the kitchen done (complete nightmare)

BUT as I promised, once again decades ago XD before Thursday I'll be updating Only One, Insanity AND I plan on posting the first chapters of two, maybe three new stories!

OH AND I'VE JUST NOTICED THAT SOMETIMES PARTS OF MY CHAPTERS DON'T UPLOAD. Because I write them in Word, I'll copy and paste them into Wattpad and Quotev. But it doesn't take everything so it hard to see what parts it's taken out, which seriously pisses me off.

WARNING: THIS CHAPTER IS PURE SMUT AND UNEDITED! ENJOY (Also this is my first time ever writing smut/ a sex scene, so I hope you like it)

Neither of them knew how long they'd been wrapped up in each other, but it was long enough for the water to settle around them and for nature to return to normal. Elijah was the first to pull away, completely out of breath, for the first time in centuries. He rested his forehead against hers.

"We can't do this here"

Roxy was one movement away from full on pouting, like a child who'd been told no. "Why not?"

"I consider myself to be too much of a gentleman to have my way with you, after our first kiss and out in the open like this"

"Is that a promise for another time, mister Mikaelson?" She grinned and nipped at his swollen lips.

His body was a live wire and a sharp stab of lust coursed through his system, causing every part of him to stand to attention.


They remained intertwined, grinning and trading small pecks with one another until it became too much effort to keep treading above the water. Roxy untangled herself from her male counterpart and Elijah's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw the playful, naughty gleam in her eyes. Before he could bring an end to whatever it was that she had planned, she rested her hands on his shoulders and pushed him under the water, before she dived back under herself. Elijah came back up, spluttering at the sudden loss of air and started his searched for the brunette minx. 

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