Chapter 21- Fairy-tale Sparks

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Chapter 21- Fairy-tale Sparks

Oh would you look at this two updates in one day, huh. Your response to the last chapter completely blew me away ad I've only just updated! I love you lot so much, you're all such a confidence boost so I just had to treat you. Honestly, I can't stop smiling... you're all amazing! So here you go- Some (lots) of Elijah and Roxy and you never know it could get steamy ;) Enjoy


Disclaimer- Once again I only own Roxanne, Nate, any plot changes and speech

He was right.

Something that he enjoyed bragging about after seeing the awe filled, jaw dropping reaction of the oldest Gilbert when he opened the door, to reveal the bathroom behind it. Klaus visibly puffed with pride when Roxy had squealed with joy at the sight of the sleek, overly spacious, pearl white bathtub that sat just slightly off centre in the large room. It was the main attraction of the room, that immediately captures the attention, especially with how well it contrasts with the dark oak floor and units pressed against the far wall.

His smiled remained, even after Roxanne shoved them out the room and slammed the door in his face. In fact, when he turned to face the crowd behind him, his smile became his trademark smirk that oozed smugness and made his siblings want to smack it clean off his face.

When she didn't reappear after three hours, everyone apart from Jeremy and Nate grew antsy and worried. It wasn't until Kol was about to barge into the bathroom that Jeremy spoke up and soothed their concerns for his sister. He told them of how much of a water baby Roxy was, he casually mentioned the times that he and Elena would time how long their oldest sister would spend in the bath... the record was eight hours, forty-six minutes and fifteen seconds.

By the time she finally emerged everyone had long since gone to bed. She grinned like a maniac evil genius whose plan was falling into place however, just as Roxy turned to head downstairs, the white fluffy towel wrapped tightly around her figure began to slip, reminding the brunette of her current state. After a moment of pondering on whether or not it was worth the risk to sneak and peak in every room in search of clothing, she caught sight of the bag Rebekah packed for her. It had been placed next to the door. Roxy grinned and dropped the towel before casually strolling over to the overly large weekend bag to rummage through and inspect exactly what the female Mikaelson had approved of.

Roxanne settled for a simple grey baggy, short sleeved top that fell off the shoulder, extending its length, which covered a little more than half of the aqua blue polka dot pyjama shorts. Naturally, she paired the outfit with a set of big fluffy white and grey slipper boots. With a quick glance around to check that the coast was clear, Roxy spun to face the stairs. She stared at the descending steps for a short while before her gaze flittered between them and the banister in contemplation. An internal debate between the mature 23-year-old Roxanne and child Roxy begun. However, the childish excitement won and with that the oldest Gilbert quickly jumped up, sitting sideways like a proper lady would- or a witch would on a broom- with her ankles crossed, trying to keep balance before letting go and shuffling up closer to the top of the slope to kick start the pull of gravity thus beginning the ride.

The brunette had to quickly bite her tongue and press her lips together to stop the squeal and joyous laugh from escaping and waking everyone up. Her stomach muscles suddenly tightened at the tingling sensation that only tends to be associated with big drops and rollercoasters.

All too soon the sliding brunette noticed the looming bannister end ornament become increasingly closer, signalling the end of her fun. She readied herself, eyes never leaving the brass decoration, as she mentally counted down to prepare herself for the right moment. Then right as she slid past the second to last step, she flung herself off the bannister and landed in a crouch at the foot of the stairs with a thump.

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