Chapter 14- Competitive Edge

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Chapter 14- Competitive Edge.

A huge thank you to everyone who's stuck with my story and left a review or messaged me. I'll get around to responding to all of them, eventually. And if anyone has anything they want to ask me feel free to message me

As usual the disclaimer is the same as always- I only own my OC, any plot twists or changes in speech.

After her little heart to heart with Finn, Roxanne couldn't help but feel more than a little smug at the various expressions of awe on his siblings faces as the two re-entered the room, noticing that everyone had their eyes on the duo; the eldest Gilbert couldn't resist her dramatic childish side so she ended up slowing down to a dramatic slow motion walk and popped her imaginary collar before blowing on her nails with a cocky smirk causing her two younger siblings to scoff and roll their eyes.

"Don't judge me" She mock scolded

She flopped down on the nearest chair and immediately swung her legs up to rest across whoever else was sat on the same sofa, namely Klaus and Kol.

"You mind, love?" Klaus wore an annoyed frown as he motioned towards her feet currently resting on his thighs.

Roxanne appeared thoughtful for a moment "Nope" She stated, ending with a mouth pop.

Try as he might the Hybrid couldn't find it in him to get angry at the brunette, there was just something about her that preventing him from acting the way he usually does. Klaus let out an agitated breath but didn't attempt to push her legs off or cause a fuss, instead he just settled further into the comfy sofa.

He was enjoying how awkward and out of place the Doppelganger looked and acted, nervously glancing at each and every one of his siblings as she shuffled on her spot in between her two Salvatore guard dogs.

"Well...this is awkward" Roxanne whistled, flicking Kol on the ear repeatedly

Kol's hand quickly flashed up to catch hers as his head slowly turned in her direction with a glare harsh on his face. No words were exchanged, only various different expressions as the young Mikaelson silently dared the older Gilbert to carry on flicking him... naturally, Roxanne simply responded with a defiant smirk and raised the hand he wasn't currently holding to flick him in the nose, with a deliberate slow pace.

The room was thick with tension as everyone present waited to see what the unstable Original was going to do to the fearless Gilbert. Elena was holding her breath watching how the smirk never faltered from her sister's face; anger and agitation were gradually raising at how reckless and comfortable Roxanne was being around the family that practically ruined their lives.

"Roxy...Can I speak with you in the kitchen?" The doppelganger hissed, interrupting her sister's staring contest

"...In a minute" came her distracted reply as she continues to stare into Kol's eyes whilst trying to slap her younger sister's hands away as they tried to pull her up "Will you pack it in"

"Get up Roxy" Elena huffed, still trying and failing to man handle the older Gilbert

"Lena, what are yo- will you stop?"

Kol slowly smirks seeing how Roxanne was struggling to keep eye contact whilst fighting off the doppelganger.

"Roxy, get up"

"No, You're gonna make me lose!"

"For god sake"

"No, no, no, no, wait..." Roxanne pleads only to suddenly bellow "No! Fuck sake!" Her competitive side made an appearance due to the loss. "The fuck Elena! I had him!"

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