Chapter 5- Information and Introductions

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Thank you to everyone who reviewed! I'm going to start messaging back to them, eventually, I promise.

Disclaimer: Bla Bla I only own my OC and the plot, everything else belongs to their rightful owners/creators Bla.

Roxanne woke up feeling determined, slightly hungover and a little grouchy which was not the best combination. Grumbling profanities under her breath as she tumbled out of bed, quite literally had a fight with her bedding, before stumbling out the room and down the stairs in search for some coffee.

Her siblings were already in the kitchen along with the Salvatore brother's. They were all having a quiet conversation about the latest dramas in Mystic Falls in particular the newly awakened Original family and especially what Roxanne had discovered last night, however they all hushed up quickly when they saw Roxanne stagger into the kitchen. She was still muttering under her breath, ignoring everyone else in the room as her eyes focused on the coffee machine. She stalked towards it like a predator and when she was close enough, Roxanne practically lunged at it. Everyone watched in amusement as she was virtually half laid across the worktop, moaning like a zombie, waiting for the machine to finish. 

It was an excruciatingly long two minutes as Roxanne waited for her coffee, she barely noticed Jeremy as he placed an empty mug in front of her, her eyes narrowed at the machine as she noticed it seemed to be taking longer to finish than expected.

"Oh you torturous bi-" Her insult for the inanimate object was cut off with a ding, which seemed to further her suspicions that the machine hated her just as much as the frying pan.

Never the less, with one last glare, Roxanne poured the liquid heaven in the mug and cradled it to her chest like it was her last life line. Jeremy's snickering broke through her blissful caffeine haze drawing her attention towards the other people occupying the kitchen who were just staring at her. They watched as she leisurely took another sip, in absolute no hurry to break the silence and converse until she had finished her first cup.

Damon opened his mouth to, mostly likely, say something snarky when Elena quickly slammed her hand over his mouth, Jeremy and Elena were both shaking their heads rapidly with wide comical eyes. The message they were sending was clear; if you value your life, wait for her to finish. He kept his mouth shut after that.

The only sound that ended the silence was Roxanne's satisfied sigh as she downed her last mouthful. She then tilted her head as she gave both of the Salvatore brother's a once over, inspecting them.

"Let me guess...You're the vampire brothers my sister can't choose between"

Everyone seemed to have a different reaction to Roxanne's tactless statement. Jeremy choked with laughter, hunched over trying to breathe; whilst Elena was wearing a mortified expression and the brothers couldn't contain their shock at her boldness as both of their mouths hung open slightly with wide eyes.

"Roxanne!" Came Elena's shriek

Roxanne on the other hand just shrugged and continued to analyse them, starting with the brown haired green eyed one. although he was cute with the strong jaw structure, dark lashes with those deep green eyes and great hair. Roxanne noted that his eyes seemed tortured as though he didn't like his own existence, he reminded her of a puppy which was the complete opposite to the other one, this one had an air of arrogance around him with the piercing ice blue eyes and black hair, it seemed to Roxanne that he relied on his looks. She scoffed under her breath, her sister sure knew how to pick them was the first thought that popped into her head however all joking aside her protective sister instincts began to rear its head.

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