Chapter 23- She's Not Pulling Her Punches

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PLEASE DON'T HATE ME. I wrote this before I saw how happy everyone was with how the last chapter went.

So, I decided to take part in NANOWRIMO this year. Which might possibly be a mistake since my workload is constantly doubling weekly. But I'm determined to complete it... is anyone else doing NANO?

If you are, Buddy me. As usual my username in Paigetcute

This means that updates will be sparse, BUT I promise they won't be ridiculous like before (I swear I won't leave you guys a year before updating again) but they definitely won't be weekly.

I will admit that this chapter is a bit heavy on lectures. Whoops. Originally this wasn't how I planned this chapter but like usual the story got away from me.

I want to ask you all two questions (completely random) colour me curious.

Where are you reading from?

Who do you ship in the Vampire Diaries?

And also a big Thank you everyone who wants to help beta/be my writing friend. I'm gonna message you!

Once again Wattpad seems to have deleted some of my words so if something doesn't make sense or looks like it's an unfinished sentence, you know what it is. 


Roxanne was forced to wake up by the morning glare of the sun. She rolled over with a sleepy groan, blindly searching for the warm body she expected to be next to her. When her hand came up with nothing but cold empty sheets, she opened her eyes and frown. Her brain was battling with the siren call of sleep, but it slowly made way for confusion when she finally realised that she was alone.

Confusion made room for offence and anger at the possible idea that Elijah did a 'hump and dump'. However, a split second later, when the haze of sleep finally evaporated completely, her eyes widened when the realisation that it was all a dream hit. She slumped back in the bed and pouted as she recalled everything that truly happened last night.

She remembered swimming at the falls, kissing Elijah- more like their steamy naked grope and tongue fest. She also recalled their walk back to the mansion. Elijah had walked her up to her room, said goodnight and, much to her disappointment, left.

"Good night, Roxanne"

"Night, 'Lijah"

Neither of them moved, they continued to stare at each other, but then Elijah turned away. She bit her lip and watched him make his way down the hallway, to his own room. Disappointment swelled within her and she thumped the back of her head against the door.

The memory played through her mind, flashes at first but the longer she thought, the clearer it all became. The brunette growled and threw a pillow over her own face to muffle her frustrated screams. And here she thought that today was going to be a good day. 


Downstairs Elijah walked into the Mikaelson library with his morning cup of tea. He was hoping to delve into a good book, which he hoped would be a good enough distraction from his all-consuming thoughts of a certain Gilbert hellcat currently upstairs, getting ready for the day. Unfortunately, that plan evaporates when he is forced to duck suddenly as a book comes sailing over his head.

When he looked up, he witnessed a very frustrated Klaus rummaging through the books in the library; scouring for information revolving around folklore and the supernatural. Clearly, he was a man on a mission. If there was one thing he hated more than being weak and abandoned, it was not having the upper hand over a potential threat or ally.

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