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First of all i just wanted to say I'M SOOO SO SO SO SORRY! I really do suck at updating but I just wanted to assure you that I am NOT abandoning or stopping this story or any of my stories. I've just been focusing on Uni and my assignments. i couldn't keep leaving them until last minute and then pulling three straight all nighters to complete them before the deadlines. 

Yes, I have still been writing new scenes and chapters for my stories but I haven't been happy with them- I must have rewritten chapter 22 about 16 times because I'm just not happy with it. 

Which brings me to another thing. I have a question at the moment I have two versions for the beginning of chapter 22 and I'm curious as to which one you want. The smutty scene between Elijah and Roxy? or the innocent one? How far do you want them to go?  

On a positive note May 8th is my final deadline so I will definitely be updating after that but there might be one before that, depending on how my assignments go. 

Again I am so sorry! Please forgive me but I promise to make it up to you with how/ where the story/stories will go. 

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