Chapter 7- Eavesdropping Can Save Lives

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Elijah couldn't tear his eyes away from the beauty in red as she moved away from him; well he couldn't tear his eyes away from the toned flesh her dress showed, it was completely backless minus the four thin straps that travelled from the front to tie the dress back. However, they did very little to cover, in the shape of two right angle triangles pushed back to back. He could feel his eyes darken in lust, the primal male inside ached to possess her but the gentlemen side over ruled it. Taking a deep breath Elijah straightened out his suit and began socialising.

Roxanne found Jeremy a little while later talking to Matt. "Sorry to butt in. Jer I need your help" She grabbed his arm and pulled him in the direction of the staircase

"What's wrong?"

She paused "Something is going on tonight, Elena's involved somehow I know it, the woman on the stairs has got to be their mother"

"Why?" He questioned

"Why what? Because that woman is way too creepy to not be related to them" She spoke as if it was obvious

Jeremy felt so confused right now however, he couldn't help but chuckle "No I mean why do you think Elena's involved?"

She just gave him a pointed look "It's Elena of course she is" Roxanne looked around, formulating a plan before turning back to her brother "Right here's the plan. You search down here and I'll check out upstairs. Good? Good"

Jeremy caught her arm before she could head up the stairs "Why do I have to search down here?"

"Because there are more people down here and I don't exactly like a majority of them therefore you can search down here" She shrugged innocently

"You just want an excuse to snoop don't you?" The question was rhetorical but she answered anyway

"Pft. Of course I do" Roxanne dropped the innocent act and headed up the stairs but not before she gave Jeremy a look that clearly stated 'Be careful or I'm going to kick your arse'

Roxanne felt like panting when she finally reached the top of the landing "God I am so unfit" She huffed out before shaking her head and tiptoeing down the hall in search of her little sister.

She popped her head into every room she walked past for a second, only to have a quick glance around no matter how strong the desire to snoop was, the desire to find her sister was overwhelming which was another reason for the silent curses she was aiming towards Elena. Just as she turned the corner Roxanne noticed a body standing guard outside one of the rooms. Bingo, she thought with triumph. However, she stopped moving when she realised who or rather what the body was, Finn, she groaned silently and tiptoed back around the corner hoping the Mikaelson didn't see and hear her.

Right, plan B. She thought before slowly taking her shoes off, she then pulled her phone out of her clutch and texted Jeremy to cause a scene big enough to attract the attention of the Originals. Roxanne only had to wait a minute or two before she heard a commotion from underneath her and grinned to herself, proud of her brother as she peeped round the corner and noticed Finn walking away from the door towards the actual ball.

As Roxanne made her way towards the now unguarded door, she suddenly felt slightly queasy however, that didn't stop her from pressing her ear to the wooden door.

"-do with it?" That was Elena's voice

"My children believe I'm holding this ball to celebrate our reunion. But in truth I've gathered them together to perform a ritual. The first step requires the blood of the doppelganger. Only a drop. Its essence will be in the champagne toast later on this evening...Will you do it or will I?"

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