Chapter 24- Bonding With A Side Of Murder

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Chapter 24- Bonding with a Side of Murder

This is complete rubbish and I know it's rubbish but like I said, I've given up with this chapter. Try not to cringe too much with this chapter and if you decide to stick it out, just know that the next one is 100 times better than this and will be up soonish as well as a surprise.

Rebekah wasn't sure if she was having a good morning or a bad one. She was a woman on a mission, and nothing was going to get in her way, even if that meant working with Sage. With the threat of the white oak hanging over their heads

In all her years, she never imagined that she'd be working with Sage. But if dealing with her brother's dreaded lover helped her succeed then she'd endure... for a while at least.

On the plus side? She had the opportunity to verbally eviscerate the red head and manipulate, out maneuverer and piss off the oldest Salvatore.


Earlier that morning, right after Roxanne had left to speak to her sister, everyone had gone off into their own little bubble. They had all found something to occupy their time with, all except for Kol. Naturally this lead to a severely annoyed Hybrid who was just itching to bring out a familiar dagger.

"Why don't you go find someone else to bother before I stick you back in your coffin" Klaus didn't look up from where he was staring out of the kitchen window.

Kol sniffed more than a little offended and bored of the same threat. Despite knowing that Klaus wouldn't hesitate to follow through with it, Kol couldn't resist winding up his sibling.

Just as he opened his mouth to retort, an idea popped into his mind "Maybe I will" and with that he was gone.

Klaus gave his younger brother's departure any thought. Instead he decided to follow his own advance and speak with someone else. Hopefully someone who'd share the same passion he held.

Jeremy had set up shop outside, in the back garden. He got so lost in the beauty surrounding him that he didn't hear or see Klaus approach.

"I didn't realise there was an artist in the Gilbert family"

His British accent made the young boy jump. Luckily, Jeremy had moved his pen away from his drawing just in time otherwise the sudden jerk would've left a thick black swipe across the page.

With a quick glance up, Jeremy shrugged, feeling more than a little uncomfortable in the presence of the man he and Elena had been at war with. "I'm not a serious artist or anything, I just like to draw" he trailed of lamely.

Klaus on the other hand was immensely amused. He leaned over the boy's shoulder to look at the sketch book; what he saw he found both surprising and impressive. The page was filled out a detailed rough sketch of his oldest sister dressed as a superhero, kicking some ninja ass in the garden around them.

"Seems accurate" he chuckled and soon after Jeremy joined in.

The tense air surrounding the duo lifted. "Do you mind if I join you? I'm quite fond of painting out here myself"

Jeremy was not only surprised by the question but also by his own reaction. If this encounter had happened a couple of weeks ago- well there was chance that this would have happened before Roxy came home. But if it had happened before now, Jeremy knew that the answer would most definitely be a resounding 'no way in hell' and would've mostly likely ended in injury or death. He hesitantly nodded his head and slightly shuffled to the left as though to make space for the Hybrid, which seemed ridiculous considering the fact that they were outside.

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