Chapter 2- Gilbert Reunion

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Chapter 2

Silence, Roxanne absolutely hated it with a passion because silence meant that her thoughts became louder than usual, but if there was something she hated more than silence it was how nosey the residence of Mystic Falls was. The moment she stepped through the door to the Mystic Grill all eyes honed in on her and she hated it, it was so hard for her to keep her mouth shut and not snap at everyone and if it wasn't for the fact that she currently had two angry siblings to deal with, it's guaranteed that Roxanne would have a few choice words, which would be nothing if not completely offensive and insulting.

Roxanne couldn't dwell on her opinion of Mystic Falls for very long because it seemed that once again her body continued to function without her mind present as she began to make her way towards the back corner booth, towards not only her brother and sister but all of their friends including two unfamiliar men who were crowded around her sister.

Elena, who was the complete opposite to Roxanne. Where Roxanne was loud and upfront Elena was more quiet and tended to avoid confrontations whenever possible, Roxanne wouldn't hesitate to resort to violence or tell someone exactly what she's thinking whereas Elena tends to put on a smile then snip and bitch behind someone's back. It was these differences between the two sisters that made the locals, who actually knew Roxanne and what she was like, turn their heads and follow Roxanne with their eyes as she approached the table, waiting with baited breath, not wanting to miss even a second of the interaction, knowing that they were in for quite a show.

Roxanne tried to keep her face blank as stood at the end of the table however her pastel blue eyes swam with mirth as a smirk tried to fight its way to the surface. That was another thing about Roxanne, there are only a handful of situations she could be serious about and that doesn't include confronting her siblings' for the first time almost three years, in a public place. In fact, Roxanne found it quite humorous, which would not help her situation given the growing anger on her younger siblings particularly Elena.

"Long time no see" Roxanne spoke in a casual chipper tone.

Apparently it was the wrong first words.

Elena shot up like a bullet out of her sit, hearing her older sister in front of her acting so at ease was the boiling point for the doppelganger. How dare she just show up so unexpected and act as if everything is fine, as if she didn't just suddenly vanish right after they'd buried their parents. It didn't matter that both Elena and Jeremy had read the lengthy letter that Roxanne had left for them to understand her reasoning for leaving, all that mattered was that she left, she left them, she left her.

"That's all you have to say 'long time no see'? You abandon us three years ago and that's all you have to say for yourself!" Elena screeched. Her arms flapping about as if to prove her point. 

This little outburst thoroughly entertained the originals as they all watched with growing interest, all of them wondering the same thing; who was this girl? Amongst other things.

"Well I didn't think you'd appreciate me just saying hi" Roxanne quipped back with a just a hint of sarcasm

Once again that appeared to be the wrong thing to say as Elena reached out and attempted to smack Roxanne with quite a lot of power behind it. However just as her hand sliced through the air and was about to make contact with her older sister's cheek, Roxanne's hand reached up and wrapped around Elena's wrist, halting it only centimetres from making contact.

Roxanne's eyes lost their playfulness and narrowed in annoyance and slight anger, her lips pressed together in a tight line before she opened her mouth and spoke lowly that the humans in the facility could only just hear her but the words were crystal clear to any and all vampires, werewolves and hybrids.

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